BTW, one correction in the above file: source6, and source7 RTSP streams are also enabled, to match the batch-size. All output types are RTSP. Performance level remain the same.
We stream the sample_1080p_h264.mp4 from VLC Player on the same machine. The sources are configured to connect to the RTSP server. The outputs from the pipeline are viewed on the same machine in another instance of VLC Player (on the same machine or on another machine). While the input stream is verified to be smooth, the outputs are jittery and with huge delay as explained earlier.
When all SW ENcoders are used, the FPS throughput for 8 streams drops to 10. (with about 40% GPU and 50% CPU being utilized by deepstream-app with load average of 12-15), which is strange.
The latency measured indicate (using 3 HW and 3 SW Encoders) that the frame latencies are of the order of 500-600ms. Even when all SW encoders are used, with so much capacity available with GPU and CPU and memory, the output streams should only be delayed but should not be Jittery or re-processed/buffered.
YoloV3 model and code is used from the objectDetector_Yolo sample.