Deepstream peoplenet transformer error in src_bin_muxer

“Unable to set device in gst_nvstreammux_change_state” is a new error. it is related to CUDA.

  1. please make the cmd was run in path of /opt/nvidia/deepstream/deepstream/samples/configs/deepstream-app-triton.
  2. are you testing in DS7.0 docker? I can’t reproduce this issue in the docker container. Here is my test log
    log-0528.txt (8.1 KB). if you are not testing in docker, please make all components in this link are installed. then please make sure the simplest sample deepstream-test1 can run well.

I am inside container. I used this command from quickstart DS documention:
docker pull
I am getting csv error when running config file according to README in deepstream-test1 and same "gst_nvstreammux_change_state” error when running the c file

Also, the readme says for nvinfer we have to be inside inside DS triton docker exactly what I am using right now. Or despite being inside triton docker container, I have do set some other parameters?

  1. if using docker, please refer to the doc. please make sure nvidia-docker and NVIDIA GPU Driver are installed successfully and use the steps in the " Run the container" to start the docker.
  2. deepstream-test1 and deepstream-app are the different applications. if testing deepstream-test1, please refer to readme in /opt/nvidia/deepstream/deepstream-7.0/sources/apps/sample_apps/deepstream-test1. here are the steps.
    1> export CUDA_VER=12.2
    2> open deepstream_test1_app.c , then replace nveglglessink with fakesink, then make.
    3> execute ./deepstream-test1-app dstest1_config.yml

I do not have x11 forwarding enabled as I am on VPN to a university’s network.
Is there any way to skip this step?
I have been able to run few deepstream apps in past without this option.

Also, could you please tell me how ./ is working to run yml as a script?
I can only get the following error message after making fakesink change using
deepstream-app -c

Other than x11, rest of the steps are similar to what you shared in the above doc

  1. please refer to my last comment, you need to execute “make” to build the deepstream-test1-app, then execute ./deepstream-test1-app dstest1_config.yml. please refer to the readme for more details.
  2. deepstream-app can’t use dstest1_config.yml, which is for deeptream-app. the yml files for depstream-app are in /opt/nvidia/deepstream/deepstream/samples/configs.

Th cuda error was because NVIDIA-SMI was not working in that docker container. I set up a new container with the above steps and app run was successful. Thanks!

Thanks for the update.

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