Doca_dpa_create return error

I execute the dpa program in the sample, and the error is as follows:
The code for sample is officially released, so it’s definitely fine.
So what preparations did I neglect to make this error?
Thank you for your help,
Here is the full error log:
ubuntu@localhost:/opt/mellanox/doca/samples/doca_dpa/dpa_kernel_launch/build$ ./doca_dpa_kernel_launch
[dpa_kernel_launch_main.c:61][main] Starting the sample
flexio_create_prm_dpa_uar 522 - Failed to create outbox PRM object. Status is 0x2, syndrome 0x3590f5.
flexio_uar_create 704 - Failed to create DPA_UAR object
process_create 894 - Failed to create Flex IO UAR
[dpa_runtime.cpp:354][doca_dpa_create] Failed to create dpa instance
[dpa_runtime.cpp:355][doca_dpa_create] exception occured:
[dpa_runtime.cpp:355][doca_dpa_create] DOCA exception [DOCA_ERROR_DRIVER] with message Flexio process create failed
[dpa_common.c:355][allocate_dpa_resources] Failed to create DOCA DPA context: DOCA Driver call failure
[dpa_kernel_launch_main.c:85][main] Failed to Allocate DPA Resources: DOCA Driver call failure
[dpa_kernel_launch_main.c:111][main] Sample finished with errors

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UAR : User Access Region ?

we encountered the same problem, are there any solutions to this?