doca2.8bug?When I create a control pipe, the basic pipe aging function stops working correctly

I’m currently developing with ConnectX-6 DX + doca2.8, and a program that ran normally on doca2.7 is experiencing issues on version 2.8. To investigate, I attempted to modify flow_aging_sample.c for simple verification. Modified code logic:

  1. Created a control pipe (root) and added an entry with a match on ipv4+tcp and an action of DOCA_FLOW_FWD_PIPE , pointing to an aging pipe of the basic type.
  2. Added an entry to the aging pipe with a 5-second aging timer.
  3. Executed in a loop: doca_flow_aging_handle(port, 0, DEFAULT_TIMEOUT_US, 0) and doca_flow_entries_process(port, 0, DEFAULT_TIMEOUT_US, 0) .

Through testing, I found that once the control pipe is created, doca_flow_aging_handle consistently returns 0, and the entries in the aging pipe never age out. However, if I remove the control pipe by modifying #define CONTROL_ENABLE 0 , aging works normally.

1)Why is this happening? How can I properly age flows when using both control pipe and basic pipe simultaneously?
2)If this is a problem and not fixed soon, how can I return to doca2.7? dnf list|grep doca-networking, only version 2.8 is available。
3)If I add a flow with aging in the control pipe, it will be normal again. I encountered this issue with the basic pipe in doca 2.7, but it no longer occurs in doca 2.8’s basic pipe. However, the control pipe still encounters this issue. Do I have to add a flow with aging in the control pipe?

Here is my modified code:

#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <unistd.h>

#include <rte_byteorder.h>
#include <rte_random.h>

#include <doca_flow.h>
#include <doca_log.h>

#include "flow_common.h"



/* user context struct for aging entry */
struct aging_user_data {
    struct entries_status *status; /* status pointer */
    int entry_num;                 /* entry number */
    int port_id;                   /* port ID of the entry */

 * Entry processing callback
 * @entry [in]: DOCA Flow entry pointer
 * @pipe_queue [in]: queue identifier
 * @status [in]: DOCA Flow entry status
 * @op [in]: DOCA Flow entry operation
 * @user_ctx [out]: user context
static void check_for_valid_entry_aging(struct doca_flow_pipe_entry *entry,
                                        uint16_t pipe_queue,
                                        enum doca_flow_entry_status status,
                                        enum doca_flow_entry_op op,
                                        void *user_ctx) {
    struct aging_user_data *entry_status = (struct aging_user_data *)user_ctx;

    if (entry_status == NULL)

        entry_status->status->failure = true; /* set failure to true if processing failed */
    if (op == DOCA_FLOW_ENTRY_OP_AGED) {
        doca_flow_pipe_remove_entry(pipe_queue, DOCA_FLOW_NO_WAIT, entry);
        DOCA_LOG_INFO("Entry number %d from port %d aged out and removed",
    } else

static doca_error_t add_control_pipe_entries(struct doca_flow_pipe *control_pipe,
                                             struct doca_flow_pipe *aging_pipe,
                                             struct entries_status *status) {
    struct doca_flow_match match;
    struct doca_flow_fwd fwd;
    uint8_t priority = 0;
    doca_error_t result;

    memset(&match, 0, sizeof(match));
    memset(&fwd, 0, sizeof(fwd));

    match.parser_meta.outer_l4_type = DOCA_FLOW_L4_META_TCP;
    match.parser_meta.outer_l3_type = DOCA_FLOW_L3_META_IPV4;

    fwd.type = DOCA_FLOW_FWD_PIPE;
    fwd.next_pipe = aging_pipe;

    result = doca_flow_pipe_control_add_entry(0,
    if (result != DOCA_SUCCESS) {
        DOCA_LOG_ERR("Failed to add control pipe entry: %s", doca_error_get_descr(result));
        return result;

    return DOCA_SUCCESS;

static doca_error_t create_control_pipe(struct doca_flow_port *port, struct doca_flow_pipe **pipe) {
    struct doca_flow_pipe_cfg *pipe_cfg = NULL;
    doca_error_t result;

    result = doca_flow_pipe_cfg_create(&pipe_cfg, port);
    if (result != DOCA_SUCCESS) {
        DOCA_LOG_ERR("Failed to create doca_flow_pipe_cfg: %s", doca_error_get_descr(result));
        return result;
    result = set_flow_pipe_cfg(pipe_cfg, "CONTROL_PIPE", DOCA_FLOW_PIPE_CONTROL, true);
    if (result != DOCA_SUCCESS) {
        DOCA_LOG_ERR("Failed to set doca_flow_pipe_cfg: %s", doca_error_get_descr(result));
        goto destroy_pipe_cfg;

    result = doca_flow_pipe_create(pipe_cfg, NULL, NULL, pipe);
    return result;

 * Create DOCA Flow pipe with five tuple match and monitor with aging flag
 * @port [in]: port of the pipe
 * @port_id [in]: port ID of the pipe
 * @pipe [out]: created pipe pointer
 * @return: DOCA_SUCCESS on success and DOCA_ERROR otherwise.
static doca_error_t create_aging_pipe(struct doca_flow_port *port, int port_id, struct doca_flow_pipe **pipe) {
    struct doca_flow_match match;
    struct doca_flow_monitor monitor;
    struct doca_flow_actions actions;
    struct doca_flow_actions *actions_arr[NB_ACTIONS_ARR];
    struct doca_flow_fwd fwd;
    struct doca_flow_pipe_cfg *pipe_cfg;
    doca_error_t result;

    memset(&match, 0, sizeof(match));
    memset(&monitor, 0, sizeof(monitor));
    memset(&actions, 0, sizeof(actions));
    memset(&fwd, 0, sizeof(fwd));
    memset(&pipe_cfg, 0, sizeof(pipe_cfg));

    /* set monitor with aging */
    monitor.aging_sec = 0xffffffff;

    /* 5 tuple match */
    match.parser_meta.outer_l4_type = DOCA_FLOW_L4_META_TCP;
    match.parser_meta.outer_l3_type = DOCA_FLOW_L3_META_IPV4;
    match.outer.l4_type_ext = DOCA_FLOW_L4_TYPE_EXT_TCP;
    match.outer.l3_type = DOCA_FLOW_L3_TYPE_IP4;
    match.outer.ip4.src_ip = 0xffffffff;
    match.outer.ip4.dst_ip = 0xffffffff;
    match.outer.tcp.l4_port.src_port = 0xffff;
    match.outer.tcp.l4_port.dst_port = 0xffff;

    actions_arr[0] = &actions;

    result = doca_flow_pipe_cfg_create(&pipe_cfg, port);
    if (result != DOCA_SUCCESS) {
        DOCA_LOG_ERR("Failed to create doca_flow_pipe_cfg: %s", doca_error_get_descr(result));
        return result;

    result = set_flow_pipe_cfg(pipe_cfg, "AGING_PIPE", DOCA_FLOW_PIPE_BASIC, false);
    result = set_flow_pipe_cfg(pipe_cfg, "AGING_PIPE", DOCA_FLOW_PIPE_BASIC, true);
    if (result != DOCA_SUCCESS) {
        DOCA_LOG_ERR("Failed to set doca_flow_pipe_cfg: %s", doca_error_get_descr(result));
        goto destroy_pipe_cfg;
    result = doca_flow_pipe_cfg_set_match(pipe_cfg, &match, NULL);
    if (result != DOCA_SUCCESS) {
        DOCA_LOG_ERR("Failed to set doca_flow_pipe_cfg match: %s", doca_error_get_descr(result));
        goto destroy_pipe_cfg;
    result = doca_flow_pipe_cfg_set_actions(pipe_cfg, actions_arr, NULL, NULL, NB_ACTIONS_ARR);
    if (result != DOCA_SUCCESS) {
        DOCA_LOG_ERR("Failed to set doca_flow_pipe_cfg actions: %s", doca_error_get_descr(result));
        goto destroy_pipe_cfg;
    result = doca_flow_pipe_cfg_set_monitor(pipe_cfg, &monitor);
    if (result != DOCA_SUCCESS) {
        DOCA_LOG_ERR("Failed to set doca_flow_pipe_cfg actions: %s", doca_error_get_descr(result));
        goto destroy_pipe_cfg;

    fwd.type = DOCA_FLOW_FWD_PORT;
    fwd.port_id = port_id ^ 1;

    result = doca_flow_pipe_create(pipe_cfg, &fwd, NULL, pipe);
    return result;

 * Add DOCA Flow entries to the aging pipe, each entry with different aging time
 * @pipe [in]: pipe of the entries
 * @user_data [in]: user data array
 * @port [in]: port of the entries
 * @port_id [in]: port ID of the entries
 * @num_of_aging_entries [in]: number of entries to add
 * @status [in]: user context for adding entry
 * @return: DOCA_SUCCESS on success and DOCA_ERROR otherwise.
static doca_error_t add_aging_pipe_entries(struct doca_flow_pipe *pipe,
                                           struct aging_user_data *user_data,
                                           struct doca_flow_port *port,
                                           int port_id,
                                           int num_of_aging_entries,
                                           struct entries_status *status) {
    struct doca_flow_match match;
    struct doca_flow_actions actions;
    struct doca_flow_monitor monitor;
    int i;
    enum doca_flow_flags_type flags = DOCA_FLOW_WAIT_FOR_BATCH;
    doca_be32_t dst_ip_addr = BE_IPV4_ADDR(8, 8, 8, 8);
    doca_be16_t dst_port = rte_cpu_to_be_16(80);
    doca_be16_t src_port = rte_cpu_to_be_16(1234);
    doca_be32_t src_ip_addr; /* set different src ip per entry */
    doca_error_t result;

    for (i = 0; i < num_of_aging_entries; i++) {
        src_ip_addr = BE_IPV4_ADDR(i, 2, 3, 4);

        memset(&match, 0, sizeof(match));
        memset(&actions, 0, sizeof(actions));
        memset(&monitor, 0, sizeof(monitor));

        monitor.aging_sec = 5;

        match.outer.ip4.dst_ip = dst_ip_addr;
        match.outer.ip4.src_ip = src_ip_addr;
        match.outer.tcp.l4_port.dst_port = dst_port;
        match.outer.tcp.l4_port.src_port = src_port;
        /* fill user data with entry number and entry pointer */
        user_data[i].entry_num = i;
        user_data[i].port_id = port_id;
        user_data[i].status = status;

        if (i == num_of_aging_entries - 1)
            flags = DOCA_FLOW_NO_WAIT; /* send the last entry with DOCA_FLOW_NO_WAIT flag for pushing all
                                          the entries */

        result =
            doca_flow_pipe_add_entry(0, pipe, &match, &actions, &monitor, NULL, flags, &user_data[i], NULL);
        if (result != DOCA_SUCCESS) {
            DOCA_LOG_ERR("Failed to add entry: %s", doca_error_get_descr(result));
            return result;
    do {
        result = doca_flow_entries_process(port,
                                           num_of_aging_entries - status->nb_processed);
        if (result != DOCA_SUCCESS) {
            DOCA_LOG_ERR("Failed to process entries: %s", doca_error_get_descr(result));
            return result;
        if (status->failure) {
            DOCA_LOG_ERR("Failed to process entries, status is not success");
            return DOCA_ERROR_BAD_STATE;
    } while (status->nb_processed < num_of_aging_entries);

    return DOCA_SUCCESS;

 * Handle all aged flow in a port
 * @port [in]: port to remove the aged flow from
 * @status [in]: user context for adding entry
 * @return: DOCA_SUCCESS on success and DOCA_ERROR otherwise.
static doca_error_t handle_aged_flow(struct doca_flow_port *port, struct entries_status *status) {
    int num_of_aged_entries = 0;
    doca_error_t result;

    status->nb_processed = 0;
    num_of_aged_entries = doca_flow_aging_handle(port, 0, DEFAULT_TIMEOUT_US, 0);
    if (num_of_aged_entries != 0) {
        printf("num_of_aged_entries:%d\n", num_of_aged_entries);
    /* call handle aging until full cycle complete */
    result = doca_flow_entries_process(port, 0, DEFAULT_TIMEOUT_US, 0);
    if (result != DOCA_SUCCESS) {
        DOCA_LOG_ERR("Failed to process entries: %s", doca_error_get_descr(result));
        return result;

    return DOCA_SUCCESS;

 * Run flow_aging sample
 * @nb_queues [in]: number of queues the sample will use
 * @return: DOCA_SUCCESS on success and DOCA_ERROR otherwise.
doca_error_t flow_aging(int nb_queues) {
    const int nb_ports = 2;
    /* the counters will divide by all queues per port */
    struct flow_resources resource = {0};
    uint32_t nr_shared_resources[SHARED_RESOURCE_NUM_VALUES] = {0};
    struct doca_flow_port *ports[nb_ports];
    struct doca_dev *dev_arr[nb_ports];
    struct doca_flow_pipe *pipe, *control_pipe;
    struct entries_status status[nb_ports];
    struct aging_user_data *user_data[nb_ports];
    int num_of_aging_entries = 10;
    doca_error_t result, doca_error = DOCA_SUCCESS;
    int port_id;

    resource.nr_counters = 80;

    result = init_doca_flow_cb(nb_queues,
    if (result != DOCA_SUCCESS) {
        DOCA_LOG_ERR("Failed to init DOCA Flow: %s", doca_error_get_descr(result));
        return result;

    memset(dev_arr, 0, sizeof(struct doca_dev *) * nb_ports);
    result = init_doca_flow_ports(nb_ports, ports, true, dev_arr);
    if (result != DOCA_SUCCESS) {
        DOCA_LOG_ERR("Failed to init DOCA ports: %s", doca_error_get_descr(result));
        return result;

    memset(user_data, 0, sizeof(struct aging_user_data *) * nb_ports);

    for (port_id = 0; port_id < nb_ports; port_id++) {
        memset(&status[port_id], 0, sizeof(status[port_id]));

        result = create_aging_pipe(ports[port_id], port_id, &pipe);
        if (result != DOCA_SUCCESS) {
            DOCA_LOG_ERR("Failed to create pipe: %s", doca_error_get_descr(result));
            goto entries_cleanup;

        user_data[port_id] =
            (struct aging_user_data *)malloc(num_of_aging_entries * sizeof(struct aging_user_data));
        if (user_data[port_id] == NULL) {
            DOCA_LOG_ERR("Failed to allocate user data");
            result = DOCA_ERROR_NO_MEMORY;
            goto entries_cleanup;

        result = add_aging_pipe_entries(pipe,
        if (result != DOCA_SUCCESS) {
            stop_doca_flow_ports(nb_ports, ports);
            goto entries_cleanup;

        result = create_control_pipe(ports[port_id], &control_pipe);
        if (result != DOCA_SUCCESS) {
            stop_doca_flow_ports(nb_ports, ports);
            goto entries_cleanup;

        result = add_control_pipe_entries(control_pipe, pipe, NULL);
        if (result != DOCA_SUCCESS) {
            stop_doca_flow_ports(nb_ports, ports);
            goto entries_cleanup;

    /* handle aging in loop until all entries aged out */
    while (true) {
        for (port_id = 0; port_id < nb_ports; port_id++) {
            result = handle_aged_flow(ports[port_id], &status[port_id]);
            if (result != DOCA_SUCCESS)

    for (port_id = 0; port_id < nb_ports; port_id++) {
        if (user_data[port_id])
    doca_error = result;
    result = stop_doca_flow_ports(nb_ports, ports);
    if (result != DOCA_SUCCESS && doca_error == DOCA_SUCCESS)
        doca_error = result;
    return doca_error;

Hi ,

Please note that DOCA flow API was changed in 2.8

You can refer to the below pages :


Thank you for your reply. I understand that the API has changed, and I have also made adaptation modifications. But I still think there is a bug. Let me simplify the problem. I have two pipes, one is a basic pipe, which has some entries that need to be aged, and the other is a control pipe, where entries do not need to be aged.

I call doca_flow_aging_handle in a loop. According to the description in the document, the return value is:
1)> 0 the number of aged entries.
2)0 no aged entries in current call.
3)-1 full cycle done.
But the actual result is that it always returns 0, even if a long time has passed.

I found that if you add an entry that needs to be aged to the control pipe, the basic pipe can be aged, so my conclusion is that if the control pipe is created but there is no entry that needs to be aged, doca_flow_aging_handle does not work properly.

Maybe I am wrong, can you help me correct it? Thank you.

Hi ,

This issue requires a support ticket , please send an email to
