Documentation for BodyPose3d Model training

Hi there i explored pretty much everything but couldn’t find how to Train BodyPose3d Model on custom dataset,as i’ve gone through Bodypose net model but couldn’t find any resources for Fine-Tuning of BodyPosse3d Model? Is there any resource i could utilize for that using Tao Toolkit?

The model use by 3dPoseEstimation is not the same as the TAO BPNET.

TAO bpnet is bodypose2D. The inference way in deepstream can be found in deepstream_tao_apps/apps/tao_others/deepstream-bodypose2d-app at master · NVIDIA-AI-IOT/deepstream_tao_apps · GitHub.

In BodyPose3DNet | NVIDIA NGC , only deployable files are available. There is no trainable files. Currently, TAO user guide does not contain bodypose3dnet. So users can only run inference with the .etlt models. Retraining is not supported. Usually the retraining needs .tlt model.
The application can run on dgpu devices or Jetson device.

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