Does AGX Xavier have a real-time(or MCU) module?

Does AGX Xavier have a real-time module or function?Just like a STM32 be embedded,for some real-time requirements

The AGX Xavier has up to eight cores, so if you have some particular need, you could mark a thread as real-time priority, and lock it to a core (not core 0/1) and have it run uninterrupted (modulo power management.)

If that’s not good enough, they you will have to wire a MCU of some sort the to Xavier using USB, UART, I2C or SPI. I use UART talking to a Kinetis MK20DX256VLH7.

In the near future, we’re promised some support for the Cortex-R5 in the unit:

I don’t know what I/O are available on that unit, though.