Does CUDA harness the restrict functionality?

Hello Dear Dev Community!

I’ve been using nvrtc under CUDA 7.5 and CC 3.5 to compute several linear combinations sharing their arguments in a single kernel, e.g:
Y1[ID] = a * X1[ID] + b * X2[ID];
Y2[ID] = c * X1[ID] + d * X2[ID];
Although it’s elegant to code linear combinations this way, it causes the draw back, that the loads of both linear combination are seperated by the store of Y1. Hence, the compiler may not reuse the loads of the first linear combination for the second linear combination because of potential pointer aliasing. I actually thought that declaring the pointers as restricted (either by keyword or by compiler option), would resolve this issue. However, they do not have any effect: The compiler still creats load instructions for all arguments of each linear combination. However rewriting the code as following resolved the issue:
Y1_Reg = a * X1[ID] + b * X2[ID];
Y2_Reg = c * X1[ID] + d * X2[ID];
Y1[ID] = Y2_Reg;
Y2[ID] = Y2_Reg;
Am I doing anything wrong or does CUDA not harness the restrict functionality?


Your question isn’t entirely clear to me, but I will assume you are asking about restricted pointers as originally defined in ISO C99.

CUDA is a language in the C++ family, and standard C++ does not support restricted pointers, at least not up to and including C++11, which is the latest version I am familiar with. However, as a proprietary extension, CUDA supports restricted pointers via the use of the restrict attribute (by convention, all symbols starting with a double underscore belong to the namespace of the implementation, in this case the CUDA compiler).

Have a look at the documentation that comes with CUDA, it does cover the use of restrict.

Ok then let me reformulate the question: What might NVRTC cause not to transform
Y1[ID] = a * X1[ID] + b * X2[ID];
Y2[ID] = c * X1[ID] + d * X2[ID];
X1_Reg = X1[ID];
X2_Reg = X2[ID];
Y1[ID] = a * X1_Reg + b * X2_Reg;
Y2[ID] = c * X1_Reg + d * X2_Reg;
even though i tell NVRTC that X1, X2, Y1, Y2 all are restricted?

Without an MCVE (How to create a Minimal, Reproducible Example - Help Center - Stack Overflow) I don’t think one can even speculate on an answer. As a complete shot in the dark: Are pointers to read-only data all marked with the ‘const’ attribute?

it may be register shortage. or it may think that you have enough spare memory cycles. even you can’t be sure without profiling that some optimization will definitely help, and nvcc isn’t even PhD yet


I don’t see any mention of PTX or SASS in this thread.

Are you inspecting the PTX output from NVRTC or are you inspecting the SASS output for an sm_35 arch target?

@ njuffa
Ok, thanks and sorry, I actually thought my short explanations and small example would be sufficient for this problem. I’ve programmed a small programm around my example:

#include "string"
#include "nvrtc.h"
#include "cuda.h"
#include <iostream>

int main()
	std::string MyKernel =
		"extern \"C\" __global__ void Test_Kernel(float * __restrict__  Y_1,\n"
		"	float * __restrict__  Y_2,\n"
		"	const float * __restrict__  X_1,\n"
		"	const float * __restrict__  X_2)\n"
		"	int Index = blockIdx.x*blockDim.x + threadIdx.x;\n"
		"	Y_1[Index] = 1.f * X_1[Index] + 2.f*X_2[Index];\n"
		"	Y_2[Index] = 3.f * X_1[Index] + 4.f*X_2[Index];\n"

	//std::cout << TotalProgramString << '\n';
	nvrtcProgram prog;
	std::string PTXName = "CudaProgram";
	nvrtcCreateProgram(&prog, MyKernel.c_str(), PTXName.c_str(), 0, NULL, NULL);

	const char *opts[] = { "--gpu-architecture=compute_35"};

	nvrtcCompileProgram(prog, 1, opts);

	size_t LogSize;
	nvrtcGetProgramLogSize(prog, &LogSize);
	std::string Log;
	nvrtcGetProgramLog(prog, (char*)(Log.c_str()));
	std::cout << Log << '\n';
	size_t ptxSize;
	nvrtcGetPTXSize(prog, &ptxSize);
	std::string PTXString;
	nvrtcGetPTX(prog, (char*)(PTXString.c_str()));

	CUdevice cuDevice;
	CUcontext context;
	CUmodule module;
	CUfunction kernel;
	cuDeviceGet(&cuDevice, 0);
	cuCtxCreate(&context, 0, cuDevice);
	cuModuleLoadDataEx(&module, PTXString.c_str(), 0, 0, 0);
	 cuModuleGetFunction(&kernel, module, "Test_Kernel");

	CUdeviceptr Y1, Y2, X1, X2;

	cuMemAlloc(&Y1, 4);
	cuMemAlloc(&Y2, 4);
	cuMemAlloc(&X1, 4);
	cuMemAlloc(&X2, 4);

	void *args[] = { &Y1, &Y2, &X1, &X2 };

		1, 1, 1,   // grid dim
		1, 1, 1,    // block dim
		0, NULL,             // shared mem and stream
		args, 0); 
	// arguments

This example creates the following SASS:

1	90848	          MOV R1, c[0x0][0x44];
2	90850	          S2R R0, SR_CTAID.X;
3	90858	          MOV32I R5, 0x4;
4	90860	          S2R R3, SR_TID.X;
5	90868	          IMAD R4, R0, c[0x0][0x28], R3;
6	90870	          IMAD R10.CC, R4, R5, c[0x0][0x150];
7	90878	          IMAD.HI.X R11, R4, R5, c[0x0][0x154];
8	90888	          IMAD R8.CC, R4, R5, c[0x0][0x158];
9	90890	          IMAD.HI.X R9, R4, R5, c[0x0][0x15c];
10	90898	          LD.E.CG R0, [R10];
11	908A0	          LD.E.CG R3, [R8];
12	908A8	          IMAD R6.CC, R4, R5, c[0x0][0x140];
13	908B0	          IMAD.HI.X R7, R4, R5, c[0x0][0x144];
14	908B8	          FFMA R3, R3, 2, R0;
15	908C8	          ST.E [R6], R3;
16	908D0	          LD.E.CG R0, [R8];
17	908D8	          LD.E.CG R2, [R10];
18	908E0	          IMAD R6.CC, R4, R5, c[0x0][0x148];
19	908E8	          IMAD.HI.X R7, R4, R5, c[0x0][0x14c];
20	908F0	          FMUL R3, R0, 4;
21	908F8	          FFMA R0, R2, 3, R3;
22	90908	          ST.E [R6], R0;
23	90910	          EXIT;
24	90918	          BRA 0xd8; # Target=0x00090918
25	90920	          NOP;
26	90928	          NOP;
27	90930	          NOP;
28	90938	          NOP;

Note that in line 15,16,17, there are two loads following a store instruction. This is a bad sign for the compiler harnessing the restrict keyword. Interestingly, if I use “–restrict” as a compiler option, then the compiler optimizes this simple example correctly. Unfortunately this also causes the compiler to use the ldg instruction, which is only polluting the the read only data cache without yielding any benefit. However, if I use more complex programms such as the following source code, then even this compiler option does not help:

float2 Stencil_3D(const float2 * __restrict__ UV, int3 Pos)
	float Diffusion_Constant = 123;
	float A = 0.1;
	float B = 0.2;

	int Index = (SIZE_Y * Pos.z +  Pos.y) * SIZE_X + Pos.x;

	int Index_X_Plus  = Index + 1;
	int Index_X_Minus = Index - 1;

	int Index_Y_Plus  = Index + SIZE_X;
	int Index_Y_Minus = Index - SIZE_X;

	int Index_Z_Plus  = Index + SIZE_X*SIZE_Y;
	int Index_Z_Minus = Index - SIZE_X*SIZE_Y;

	if(Pos.x == 0)
		Index_X_Minus += 2;

	if(Pos.y == 0)
		Index_Y_Minus += 2*SIZE_X;

	if(Pos.z == 0)
		Index_Z_Minus +=  2*SIZE_X*SIZE_Y;

	if(Pos.x == SIZE_X-1)
		Index_X_Plus -= 2;

	if(Pos.y == SIZE_Y-1)
		Index_Y_Plus -= 2*SIZE_X;

	if(Pos.z == SIZE_Z-1)
		Index_Z_Plus -=  2*SIZE_X*SIZE_Y;

	float2 UVCenter = __ldg(&UV[Index]);
	// float2 Diffusion = Diffusion_Constant * (UV[Index_X_Minus]+UV[Index_X_Plus] +UV[Index_Y_Minus]+UV[Index_Y_Plus]+UV[Index_Z_Minus]+UV[Index_Z_Plus]);
	float2 Diffusion = Diffusion_Constant * (__ldg(&UV[Index_X_Minus])+__ldg(&UV[Index_X_Plus]) +__ldg(&UV[Index_Y_Minus]) +__ldg(&UV[Index_Y_Plus]) +__ldg(&UV[Index_Z_Minus]) +__ldg(&UV[Index_Z_Plus]));

	float U = UVCenter.x;
	float V = UVCenter.y;

	float2 DUVDT;
	DUVDT.x= (A + U*U*V - B*U-U) -(6.f*Diffusion_Constant)*U +  Diffusion.x;
	DUVDT.y= (B*U - U*U*V)-(6.f*Diffusion_Constant)*V +  Diffusion.y;
	return DUVDT;

float __constant__  A[8][8];
float __constant__  B[8];
float __constant__  B_Tilde[8];

__global__ void Kernel_7(const float2 * __restrict__  Y_n, 
			 const float2  * __restrict__  k_5, 
			 const float2  * __restrict__  F_1,
			 const float2  * __restrict__  F_2,
		         const float2  * __restrict__  F_3,
			 const float2  * __restrict__  F_4,
			 float2  * __restrict__  k_6,
			 float2  * __restrict__  k_7,
			 float2  * __restrict__  k_8_p,
			 float2  * __restrict__  Y_n_plus_1_p,
			 float2  * __restrict__  E_p)

	float F_5_Reg = Stencil_3D(k_5, Pos);
	k_6[Index]= Y_n[Index] + A[5][0]*F_1[Index] + A[5][1]*F_2[Index] + A[5][2] *F_3[Index]
				 + A[5][3]*F_4[Index] + A[5][4]*F_5_Reg;

	k_7[Index]	= Y_n[Index] + A[6][0]*F_1[Index] + A[6][1]*F_2[Index] + A[6][2] *F_3[Index]
				 + A[6][3]*F_4[Index] + A[6][4]*F_5_Reg;

	k_8_p[Index]	= Y_n[Index] + A[7][0]*F_1[Index] + A[7][1]*F_2[Index] + A[7][2] *F_3[Index]
			 + A[7][3]*F_4[Index] + A[7][4]*F_5_Reg;
	Y_n_plus_1_p[Index] = Y_n[Index] + B[0]*F_1[Index] + B[2] * F_3[Index]                           +   B[3]*F_4[Index]	+ B[4]*F_5_Reg;
	E_p[Index] =  (-1.f) * Y_n[Index] - B_Tilde[0]*F_1[Index]- B_Tilde[2] * F_3[Index]
			- B_Tilde[3]*F_4[Index]- B_Tilde[4] * F_5_Reg;								 					

Thus Compiler creates the following SASS of this Programm and with the “-restrict” option:

1	92648	          MOV R1, c[0x0][0x44];
2	92650	          S2R R0, SR_CTAID.Z;
3	92658	          MOV32I R27, 0x8;
4	92660	          S2R R3, SR_TID.Z;
5	92668	          S2R R2, SR_CTAID.Y;
6	92670	          S2R R4, SR_TID.Y;
7	92678	          IMAD R5, R0, c[0x0][0x30], R3;
8	92688	          S2R R6, SR_CTAID.X;
9	92690	          S2R R0, SR_TID.X;
10	92698	          IMAD R3, R2, c[0x0][0x2c], R4;
11	926A0	          IMAD R4, R6, c[0x0][0x28], R0;
12	926A8	          ISCADD R0, R5, R3, 0x8;
13	926B0	          ISETP.EQ.AND P0, PT, R4, 0xff, PT;
14	926B8	          ISCADD R0, R0, R4, 0x8;
15	926C8	          IADD R2, R0, 0x1;
16	926D0	          IADD R7, R0, -0x1;
17	926D8	          IMAD R8.CC, R0, R27, c[0x0][0x148];
18	926E0	          IADD R14, R0, -0x100;
19	926E8	          ICMP.EQ R6, R2, R7, R4;
20	926F0	          SEL R4, R7, R2, P0;
21	926F8	          IMAD.HI.X R9, R0, R27, c[0x0][0x14c];
22	92708	          IADD R7, R0, 0x100;
23	92710	          IMAD R12.CC, R6, R27, c[0x0][0x148];
24	92718	          IADD R16, R0, 0x10000;
25	92720	          ISETP.EQ.AND P0, PT, R3, 0xff, PT;
26	92728	          IADD R17, R0, -0x10000;
27	92730	          IMAD.HI.X R13, R6, R27, c[0x0][0x14c];
28	92738	          ICMP.EQ R6, R7, R14, R3;
29	92748	          SEL R14, R14, R7, P0;
30	92750	          IMAD R2.CC, R4, R27, c[0x0][0x148];
31	92758	          IMAD.HI.X R3, R4, R27, c[0x0][0x14c];
32	92760	          ISETP.EQ.AND P0, PT, R5, 0x7f, PT;
33	92768	          IMAD R10.CC, R6, R27, c[0x0][0x148];
34	92770	          ICMP.EQ R15, R16, R17, R5;
35	92778	          LDG.E.64 R28, [R2];
36	92788	          IMAD.HI.X R11, R6, R27, c[0x0][0x14c];
37	92790	          LDG.E.64 R6, [R8];
38	92798	          LDG.E.64 R8, [R12];
39	927A0	          IMAD R4.CC, R14, R27, c[0x0][0x148];
40	927A8	          SEL R12, R17, R16, P0;
41	927B0	          LDG.E.64 R20, [R10];
42	927B8	          IMAD.HI.X R5, R14, R27, c[0x0][0x14c];
43	927C8	          IMAD R2.CC, R15, R27, c[0x0][0x148];
44	927D0	          LDG.E.64 R18, [R4];
45	927D8	          IMAD.HI.X R3, R15, R27, c[0x0][0x14c];
46	927E0	          IMAD R10.CC, R12, R27, c[0x0][0x148];
47	927E8	          LDG.E.64 R4, [R2];
48	927F0	          IMAD.HI.X R11, R12, R27, c[0x0][0x14c];
49	927F8	          LDG.E.64 R2, [R10];
50	92808	          IMAD R16.CC, R0, R27, c[0x0][0x140];
51	92810	          IMAD.HI.X R17, R0, R27, c[0x0][0x144];
52	92818	          IMAD R14.CC, R0, R27, c[0x0][0x150];
53	92820	          LD.E.CG.64 R24, [R16];
54	92828	          IMAD.HI.X R15, R0, R27, c[0x0][0x154];
55	92830	          IMAD R12.CC, R0, R27, c[0x0][0x158];
56	92838	          LD.E.CG.64 R30, [R14];
57	92848	          IMAD.HI.X R13, R0, R27, c[0x0][0x15c];
58	92850	          IMAD R10.CC, R0, R27, c[0x0][0x160];
59	92858	          LD.E.CG.64 R22, [R12];
60	92860	          IMAD.HI.X R11, R0, R27, c[0x0][0x164];
61	92868	          TEXDEPBAR 0x5;
62	92870	          FMUL.FTZ R26, R6, R6;
63	92878	          TEXDEPBAR 0x4;
64	92888	          FADD.FTZ R32, R8, R28;
65	92890	          FADD.FTZ R9, R9, R29;
66	92898	          IMAD R8.CC, R0, R27, c[0x0][0x168];
67	928A0	          FFMA.FTZ R29, R30, c[0x3][0xa0], R24;
68	928A8	          FFMA.FTZ R28, R31, c[0x3][0xa0], R25;
69	928B0	          FMUL32I.FTZ R30, R6, 0.20000000298023224;
70	928B8	          FFMA.FTZ R31, R7, R26, c[0x2][0x0];
71	928C8	          TEXDEPBAR 0x3;
72	928D0	          FADD.FTZ R20, R32, R20;
73	928D8	          FADD.FTZ R21, R9, R21;
74	928E0	          LD.E.CG.64 R24, [R10];
75	928E8	          FADD.FTZ R31, R31, -R30;
76	928F0	          IMAD.HI.X R9, R0, R27, c[0x0][0x16c];
77	928F8	          TEXDEPBAR 0x2;
78	92908	          FADD.FTZ R18, R20, R18;
79	92910	          FADD.FTZ R19, R21, R19;
80	92918	          FFMA.FTZ R29, R22, c[0x3][0xa4], R29;
81	92920	          LD.E.CG.64 R20, [R8];
82	92928	          FFMA.FTZ R22, R23, c[0x3][0xa4], R28;
83	92930	          FFMA.FTZ R26, -R7, R26, R30;
84	92938	          FADD.FTZ R23, R31, -R6;
85	92948	          TEXDEPBAR 0x1;
86	92950	          FADD.FTZ R28, R19, R5;
87	92958	          FADD.FTZ R4, R18, R4;
88	92960	          FFMA.FTZ R7, -R7, 738, R26;
89	92968	          FFMA.FTZ R19, R25, c[0x3][0xa8], R22;
90	92970	          FFMA.FTZ R18, R24, c[0x3][0xa8], R29;
91	92978	          TEXDEPBAR 0x0;
92	92988	          FADD.FTZ R3, R28, R3;
93	92990	          FFMA.FTZ R5, -R6, 738, R23;
94	92998	          FADD.FTZ R4, R4, R2;
95	929A0	          IMAD R2.CC, R0, R27, c[0x0][0x170];
96	929A8	          FFMA.FTZ R6, R20, c[0x3][0xac], R18;
97	929B0	          FFMA.FTZ R20, R21, c[0x3][0xac], R19;
98	929B8	          FFMA.FTZ R19, R3, 123, R7;
99	929C8	          FFMA.FTZ R18, R4, 123, R5;
100	929D0	          IMAD.HI.X R3, R0, R27, c[0x0][0x174];
101	929D8	          FFMA.FTZ R21, R19, c[0x3][0xb0], R20;
102	929E0	          FFMA.FTZ R20, R18, c[0x3][0xb0], R6;
103	929E8	          ST.E.64 [R2], R20;
104	929F0	          LD.E.CG.64 R4, [R16];
105	929F8	          LD.E.CG.64 R24, [R14];
106	92A08	          LD.E.CG.64 R6, [R12];
107	92A10	          LD.E.CG.64 R2, [R10];
108	92A18	          FFMA.FTZ R21, R24, c[0x3][0xc0], R4;
109	92A20	          FFMA.FTZ R20, R25, c[0x3][0xc0], R5;
110	92A28	          LD.E.CG.64 R4, [R8];
111	92A30	          FFMA.FTZ R6, R6, c[0x3][0xc4], R21;
112	92A38	          FFMA.FTZ R7, R7, c[0x3][0xc4], R20;
113	92A48	          FFMA.FTZ R2, R2, c[0x3][0xc8], R6;
114	92A50	          FFMA.FTZ R20, R3, c[0x3][0xc8], R7;
115	92A58	          IMAD R6.CC, R0, R27, c[0x0][0x178];
116	92A60	          FFMA.FTZ R3, R4, c[0x3][0xcc], R2;
117	92A68	          FFMA.FTZ R2, R5, c[0x3][0xcc], R20;
118	92A70	          IMAD.HI.X R7, R0, R27, c[0x0][0x17c];
119	92A78	          FFMA.FTZ R20, R18, c[0x3][0xd0], R3;
120	92A88	          FFMA.FTZ R21, R19, c[0x3][0xd0], R2;
121	92A90	          ST.E.64 [R6], R20;
122	92A98	          LD.E.CG.64 R4, [R16];
123	92AA0	          LD.E.CG.64 R24, [R14];
124	92AA8	          LD.E.CG.64 R2, [R12];
125	92AB0	          LD.E.CG.64 R6, [R10];
126	92AB8	          FFMA.FTZ R20, R24, c[0x3][0xe0], R4;
127	92AC8	          FFMA.FTZ R21, R25, c[0x3][0xe0], R5;
128	92AD0	          LD.E.CG.64 R4, [R8];
129	92AD8	          FFMA.FTZ R2, R2, c[0x3][0xe4], R20;
130	92AE0	          FFMA.FTZ R3, R3, c[0x3][0xe4], R21;
131	92AE8	          FFMA.FTZ R2, R6, c[0x3][0xe8], R2;
132	92AF0	          FFMA.FTZ R6, R7, c[0x3][0xe8], R3;
133	92AF8	          IMAD R12.CC, R0, R27, c[0x0][0x180];
134	92B08	          FFMA.FTZ R3, R4, c[0x3][0xec], R2;
135	92B10	          FFMA.FTZ R2, R5, c[0x3][0xec], R6;
136	92B18	          IMAD.HI.X R13, R0, R27, c[0x0][0x184];
137	92B20	          FFMA.FTZ R20, R18, c[0x3][0xf0], R3;
138	92B28	          FFMA.FTZ R21, R19, c[0x3][0xf0], R2;
139	92B30	          ST.E.64 [R12], R20;
140	92B38	          LD.E.CG.64 R6, [R16];
141	92B48	          LD.E.CG.64 R24, [R14];
142	92B50	          LD.E.CG.64 R2, [R10];
143	92B58	          LD.E.CG.64 R4, [R8];
144	92B60	          FFMA.FTZ R6, R24, c[0x3][0x100], R6;
145	92B68	          FFMA.FTZ R7, R25, c[0x3][0x100], R7;
146	92B70	          FFMA.FTZ R2, R2, c[0x3][0x108], R6;
147	92B78	          FFMA.FTZ R12, R3, c[0x3][0x108], R7;
148	92B88	          IMAD R6.CC, R0, R27, c[0x0][0x188];
149	92B90	          FFMA.FTZ R3, R4, c[0x3][0x10c], R2;
150	92B98	          FFMA.FTZ R2, R5, c[0x3][0x10c], R12;
151	92BA0	          IMAD.HI.X R7, R0, R27, c[0x0][0x18c];
152	92BA8	          FFMA.FTZ R22, R18, c[0x3][0x110], R3;
153	92BB0	          FFMA.FTZ R23, R19, c[0x3][0x110], R2;
154	92BB8	          ST.E.64 [R6], R22;
155	92BC8	          LD.E.CG.64 R2, [R16];
156	92BD0	          LD.E.CG.64 R4, [R14];
157	92BD8	          IMAD R6.CC, R0, R27, c[0x0][0x190];
158	92BE0	          LD.E.CG.64 R12, [R10];
159	92BE8	          LD.E.CG.64 R20, [R8];
160	92BF0	          FFMA.FTZ R2, -R4, c[0x3][0x120], -R2;
161	92BF8	          FFMA.FTZ R3, -R5, c[0x3][0x120], -R3;
162	92C08	          FFMA.FTZ R2, -R12, c[0x3][0x128], R2;
163	92C10	          FFMA.FTZ R4, -R13, c[0x3][0x128], R3;
164	92C18	          FFMA.FTZ R3, -R20, c[0x3][0x12c], R2;
165	92C20	          FFMA.FTZ R2, -R21, c[0x3][0x12c], R4;
166	92C28	          IMAD.HI.X R7, R0, R27, c[0x0][0x194];
167	92C30	          FFMA.FTZ R4, -R18, c[0x3][0x130], R3;
168	92C38	          FFMA.FTZ R5, -R19, c[0x3][0x130], R2;
169	92C48	          ST.E.64 [R6], R4;
170	92C50	          EXIT;
171	92C58	          BRA 0x618; # Target=0x00092c58
172	92C60	          NOP;
173	92C68	          NOP;
174	92C70	          NOP;
175	92C78	          NOP;

Note that the compiler again places loads immediately after stores.

For a cross-check, I compiled your first kernel with the CUDA 7.5 off-line compiler, and the generated machine code is different.

__global__ void Test_Kernel(float * __restrict__  Y_1,
                            float * __restrict__  Y_2,
                            const float * __restrict__  X_1,
                            const float * __restrict__  X_2)
    int Index = blockIdx.x*blockDim.x + threadIdx.x;
    Y_1[Index] = 1.f * X_1[Index] + 2.f*X_2[Index];
    Y_2[Index] = 3.f * X_1[Index] + 4.f*X_2[Index];

I compiled with nvcc -o kernel.exe -arch=sm_35, using the CUDA 7.5 toolchain. The resulting SASS is:

code for sm_35
                Function : _Z11Test_KernelPfS_PKfS1_
        .headerflags    @"EF_CUDA_SM35 EF_CUDA_PTX_SM(EF_CUDA_SM35)"

        /*0008*/                   MOV R1, c[0x0][0x44];
        /*0010*/                   S2R R0, SR_CTAID.X;
        /*0018*/                   MOV32I R9, 0x4;
        /*0020*/                   S2R R3, SR_TID.X;
        /*0028*/                   IMAD R2, R0, c[0x0][0x28], R3;
        /*0030*/                   IMAD R6.CC, R2, R9, c[0x0][0x150];
        /*0038*/                   IMAD.HI.X R7, R2, R9, c[0x0][0x154];

        /*0048*/                   IMAD R4.CC, R2, R9, c[0x0][0x158];
        /*0050*/                   IMAD.HI.X R5, R2, R9, c[0x0][0x15c];
        /*0058*/                   LDG.E R0, [R6];
        /*0060*/                   LDG.E R3, [R4];
        /*0068*/                   IMAD R6.CC, R2, R9, c[0x0][0x140];
        /*0070*/                   IMAD.HI.X R7, R2, R9, c[0x0][0x144];
        /*0078*/                   IMAD R8.CC, R2, R9, c[0x0][0x148];

        /*0088*/                   IMAD.HI.X R9, R2, R9, c[0x0][0x14c];
        /*0090*/                   TEXDEPBAR 0x0;
        /*0098*/                   FFMA R4, R3, 2, R0;
        /*00a0*/                   FMUL R3, R3, 4;
        /*00a8*/                   ST.E [R6], R4;
        /*00b0*/                   FFMA R0, R0, 3, R3;
        /*00b8*/                   ST.E [R8], R0;

        /*00c8*/                   EXIT;

Note that both loads are scheduled early, and they have been turned into LDG instructions. Not sure what is going on with NVRTC, I have never used it. I played with a few optimization switches to see whether I can get the off-line compiler to match the generated SASS you show above, but I have been unable to do so.

Maybe nvrtc uses a different default optimization because compilation speed is favored over code performance in real-time compilation?

Maybe there is something in the way your program sets up the real-time compilation that reduces the optimization level?

@ njuffa
Ok, thanks. NVIDIA does not mention anything about optimization levels in the NVRTC documentation ( However, the NVRTC SASS I’ve examined so far seems to be well optimized (e.g. the compiler automatically removes redundant loads if possible, does peephole optimizations for atomics, unrolls loops autmatically, maps statically indexed local arrays to registers and so on). The only obvious flaw I’ve discovered so far ist that the NVRTC compiler does not harness the restrict functionality: It does not create LDG instructions and it does not reorder the load and store instructsions.

Given that in your experience NVRTC produces well-optimized machine code and that the NVRTC documentation makes no mention of a reduced optimization level, I am puzzled as to why it would not handle restricted pointers the same as the corresponding off-line compiler.

If you are sure that you are using NVRTC correctly, consider filing a bug with NVIDIA, pointing out the discrepancy between code generated by NVRTC and the off-line compiler. The bug reporting form is linked from the CUDA registered developer web site.