Does JetsonXavierNx support kernel boot rootfs from emmc when kernel boot from nvme fails?

My environment >>
Development board: JetsonXavierNx
Jetson_Linux version: Jetson_Linux_R32.7.2/Jetson_Linux_R35.4.1
Both mmcblk0p1 and nvme0n1p1 have file systems before upgrading

Question >
I started rootfs from nvme (migrated in advance) after using “sudo ./ jetson-xavier-nx-devkit-emmc nvme0n1p1” command to write. When I removed nvme and powered it on again, I found that the boot stuck in the kernel boot phase, as follows.

[    7.781176] usb 1-2.5: Manufacturer: Microchip Tech
[    9.335544] random: crng init done
[   17.901564] ERROR: nvme0n1p1 not found
[   37.855465] vdd-1v8-sd: disabling
[   37.855588] vdd-3v3-cvb: disabling
[   37.855669] vdd-1v8-cvb: disabling
[   37.855775] vdd-epb-1v0: disabling
[   37.855869] vdd-fan: disabling
[   37.855942] vdd_sys_en: disabling

If I want to implement a dual system, how do I automatically mount rootfs from emmc and boot when nvme is absent or corrupted? How do I modify the driver?

My current cboot default boot order is:

Is the mechanism by which we launch rootfs according to cboot just static? Can I add a device presence check?

Are you using the devkit or custom board for Xavier NX?
SD or eMMC module?

Which Jetpack release you are using?

It is not a valid command to flash the board. You should use initrd flash instead of to flash the external SSD.

It depends on your boot-order, your current boot-order seems correct for this use case.
If NVMe does not exist, it will boot from eMMC.

Are you using the devkit or custom board for Xavier NX?
SD or eMMC module?
I am using the JetsonXavierNx devkit board suite, emmc mode

“Which Jetpack release you are using?”
Mainly used Jetson_Linux_R32.7.2 development package, Jetson_Linux_R35.4.1 also tried to use, the phenomenon is the same.

“It is not a valid command to flash the board. You should use initrd flash instead of to flash the external SSD.”
The command for initrd is: sudo ./tools/kernel_flash/ --external-device nvme0n1p1 -c ./tools/kernel_flash/flash_l4t_nvme.xml -S 8GiB --showlogs jetson-xavier nvme0n1p1 ?

“It depends on your boot-order, your current boot-order seems correct for this use case.
If NVMe does not exist, it will boot from eMMC.”
I thought so, but emmc was not mounted after nvme was removed.

My current equipment:
xx@ubuntu:~$ lsblk
mtdblock0 31:0 0 32M 0 disk
mmcblk0 179:0 0 14.7G 0 disk
├─mmcblk0p1 179:1 0 14G 0 part /

nvme0n1 259:0 0 119.2G 0 disk
└─nvme0n1p1 259:1 0 119.2G 0 part /mnt

What command do I use if I use the Jetson_Linux_R32.7.2 package and I want to burn rootfs to nvme and boot it? Thank you!

An error occurred when I implemented the “sudo ./tools/kernel_flash/ --external-device nvme0n1 -c ./tools/kernel_flash/flash_l4t_nvme.xml --external-only -S 14GiB jetson-xavier-nx-devkit-emmc nvme0n1p1” command on my board to burn external nvme:
As a result, the nvme upgrade failed

MobaXterm_192.168.150.129_20240111_111057.log (111.3 KB)

my device:

Could you tell me what went wrong?

I am using the Jetson_Linux_R32.7.2_aarch64.tbz2 version of the development kit

Let’s focus and debug on the specific version, maybe verify with R32.7.4 first.

Are you using Xavier NX or Xavier AGX?
They should use different board config.

Please remove the NVMe and flash the BSP package into eMMC.
If you are using the devkit, you could use SDKM to perform this first and check if it could boot from eMMC as expected.

  1. We are currently using Jetson_Linux_R32.7.2 version and have made many adaptations, 32.7.4 Is there anything special about it?

2.I‘m using XavierNX

  1. When I flash to emmc, I can start directly in emmc. But because of emmc’s smaller storage, my goal is to be able to start rootfs in nvme with emmc as a backup

What we do is product, I would like to ask if our sdk can enable rootfs to be launched in nvme and automatically boot rootfs from emmc in cboot order when nvme is corrupted?
I tried a few things,

  1. Manually migrate rootfs to the nvme and run commands to boot from the nvme
    Result: The implementation system starts rootfs from nvme, but the kernel fails to start once nvme is uninstalled
sudo ./ jetson-xavier-nx-devkit-emmc nvme0n1p1
  1. Use tool to burn directly to nvme to check whether my purpose can be achieved, but so far flash has not succeeded
    $ sudo ./tools/kernel_flash/ --external-device nvme0n1 -c ./tools/kernel_flash/flash_l4t_nvme.xml --external-only -S 14GiB jetson-xavier-nx-devkit-emmc nvme0n1p1
    $ sudo ./tools/kernel_flash/ --external-device nvme0n1 -c ./tools/kernel_flash/flash_l4t_nvme.xml --external-only -S 14GiB --network usb0 jetson-xavier-nx-devkit-emmc nvme0n1p1

R32.7.4 is the latest release in R32, it could align with our status.
It should be fine if you are using R32.7.2.

Please use jetson-xavier-nx-devkit-emmc as you board config, rather than jetson-xavier.

If you could boot up with eMMC as expected, please connect NVMe and use the following command to flash your board.

sudo ./tools/kernel_flash/ --external-device nvme0n1p1 -c tools/kernel_flash/flash_l4t_nvme.xml --external-only -S 8GiB --showlogs  jetson-xavier-nx-devkit-emmc nvme0n1p1

What’s the physical size of your SSD? What’s the size you want to use for rootfs on NVMe?

This command is invalid.

Please use nvme0n1p1 instead of nvme0n1 here.

  1. I use jetson-xavier-nx-devkit-emmc all the time
  2. I will try your command
  3. As shown in the picture above, my ssd is 128GB, which is larger than 28GB in the.xml file
  1. Ok, I understand
  2. Let me try, I changed the size to 14G because my rootfs is 11G size
$ sudo ./tools/kernel_flash/ --external-device nvme0n1p1 -c tools/kernel_flash/flash_l4t_nvme.xml --external-only -S 14GiB --showlogs  jetson-xavier-nx-devkit-emmc nvme0n1p1

The flash command failed to execute

sudo ./tools/kernel_flash/ --external-device nvme0n1p1 -c tools/kernel_flash/flash_l4t_nvme.xml --external-only -S 14GiB --showlogs  jetson-xavier-nx-devkit-emmc nvme0n1p1

*                                     *
*  Step 3: Start the flashing process *
*                                     *
Waiting for target to boot-up...
Waiting for target to boot-up...
Waiting for target to boot-up...
Waiting for target to boot-up...
Waiting for target to boot-up...
Waiting for target to boot-up...
Waiting for target to boot-up...
Waiting for target to boot-up...
Waiting for target to boot-up...
Waiting for target to boot-up...
Waiting for target to boot-up...
Waiting for target to boot-up...
Waiting for target to boot-up...
Waiting for target to boot-up...
Waiting for target to boot-up...
Waiting for target to boot-up...
Waiting for target to boot-up...
Waiting for target to boot-up...
Waiting for target to boot-up...
Waiting for target to boot-up...
Waiting for target to boot-up...
Waiting for target to boot-up...
Waiting for target to boot-up...
Waiting for target to boot-up...
Waiting for target to boot-up...
Waiting for target to boot-up...
Waiting for target to boot-up...
Waiting for target to boot-up...
Waiting for target to boot-up...
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Waiting for target to boot-up...
Waiting for target to boot-up...
Waiting for target to boot-up...
Waiting for target to boot-up...
Waiting for target to boot-up...
Waiting for target to boot-up...
Waiting for target to boot-up...
Waiting for target to boot-up...
Waiting for target to boot-up...
Waiting for target to boot-up...
Waiting for target to boot-up...
Waiting for target to boot-up...
Waiting for target to boot-up...
Waiting for target to boot-up...
Waiting for target to boot-up...
Waiting for target to boot-up...
Waiting for target to boot-up...
Waiting for target to boot-up...
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Waiting for target to boot-up...
Waiting for target to boot-up...
Waiting for target to boot-up...
Waiting for target to boot-up...
Waiting for target to boot-up...
Waiting for target to boot-up...
Waiting for target to boot-up...
Waiting for target to boot-up...
Waiting for target to boot-up...
Waiting for target to boot-up...
Cleaning up...

MobaXterm_192.168.150.129_20240111_153954.txt (96.4 KB)

I check to the middle need to ask whether the virtual machine to reconnect the usb, this caused the above problem, I will continue to test

I have achieved my goal, thank you for your careful answer, thank you very much