efficient array/texture map storage/access

The data I wish to process is most
naturally stored as a 3D array of

float data[W][H][L];

The usual access pattern is as follows:

for r=0…H-1
for c=0…W-1
for d=0…L-1
process element data[r][c][d]

My first instinct when implementing this on the GPU
is to create L WxH texture maps holding scalar floats.
The access pattern above would then be

for r=0…H-1
for c=0…W-1
for d=0…L-1
process element data[r][c] from texture d

I am concerned this access pattern would not
be as efficient since elements data[r][c][d] and data[r][c][d+1]
would no longer stored next to each other in memory
(they are actually in separate texture maps).

Is this critical or does it not really matter?

–thanks, wayne

The access pattern is linear. You should just use a linear array.