EOL Notice for NVIDIA Jetson TX2 Developer Kit

The Jetson TX2 Developer Kit will stop shipping from NVIDIA at the end of 2020. Distributors will continue to sell the developer kit while supplies last, so contact your distributor to discuss purchasing timelines.

Jetson TX2 commercial modules will be available through January 2025. For customers targeting an industrial environment, Jetson TX2i remains the right choice for new product development and will be available through April 2028. Upcoming JetPack 4.x releases will support all Jetson TX2 series modules. Carrier boards and complete systems from Jetson ecosystem partners are available to support development efforts after EOL of the TX2 developer kit.

NVIDIA recommends Jetson Xavier NX for new commercial product designs, with 10X the performance of Jetson TX2 in a smaller form factor. The Jetson Xavier NX module and developer kit are priced the same as the Jetson TX2 module and developer kit.

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Very bad news for such an expensive device.


Is it expected that an education discount would be available for the Xavier NX, now that the TX2 is at EOL?

These days, we offer Jetson Nano developer kits starting at $59. (And lots of Getting Started material to go with them.)

I see, so there’s nothing for the more powerful dev kits?

Will the existing documentation and the forum topics (worth their weight in gold!) be archived somewhere? If so, where? And can we download the entire docs in bulk? I don’t know if provisions exist for that yet or not.

Will the existing documentation and the forum topics (worth their weight in gold!) be archived somewhere?

No need to worry. TX2 series documentation will remain available, and the forum will remain active. I’m glad you find these resources valuable.

And can we download the entire docs in bulk? I don’t know if provisions exist for that yet or not.

We don’t have a bulk download mechanism.

Along those lines, I’ll point out that we continue to update the docs – don’t ever assume the last version you downloaded is still the latest! For example, we just updated the Jetson TX2 Series OEM Product Design Guide two weeks ago. It’s true that since devkit EOL we’re much less likely to update devkit specific items like the Jetson TX2 Developer Kit User Guide, but we would if there was a good reason.

Hi, I have bought since many years NVIDIA Jetson TX2 Developer Kit. i would like to know if i can change the module on it ? and what is the best module compatible ?

Yes, you can use any Jetson TX2 series module with a compatible connector. Jetson TX2i, TX2 4GB, etc.

With nvcamerasrc long gone and Argus still in beta, no of mention jetson_multimedia_api or TX2 in Jetpack 5 features, spotty v4l2 coverage, is Jetson a viable platform for non-“AI” multimedia development?
Will there ever be a production camera capture system for TX2 and Nano, which are in production for many years to come?
Just foolishly? hoping I haven’t wasted two years of my life…

@rusty2 sorry i did not get it when you say “Argus is in beta”. Libargus is presently used in production by many of our customers. And we do support on TX2 and nano. Both Jetson multimedia and Argus is supported on TX2 and Nano on JetPack 4.x releases.
TX2 and Nano are not supported in JetPack 5 releasses. Please see the announcment we made here last year:

Thanks for your response, Suhash. However, I’ve never seen a production version of libargus.

  1. What is the current libargus version? My TX2 with Jetpack 4.6.1 reports v0.9xx. For decades, anything below version 1.0 has been considered beta software. Is Nvidia redefining this and if so, why?
  2. In addition, there are some serious flaws in these releases, like no (verified) tolerance of noisey video signals.
  3. Since there will be no more upgrades of the Jetpack SDK for TX2 and Nano, this implies that there will never be a production version of Argus for those modules. That makes TX2 and Nano appear to be dead-ends for computer vision applications requiring rock-solid code.
  4. This issue goes away if Nvidia opens up the Argus source code and publishes the associated driver hooks to the camera hardware subsystem. Then maybe the what, 6 years of development effort?, can finally lead to a production release that developers can maintain.