Error `Failed to establish dbus connection` when running `sim = gym.create_sim(...)`

Hi there. When I run some code like this (just some ordinary simple code):

from isaacgym import gymapi, gymutil


# acquire gym
gym = gymapi.acquire_gym()


# create sim
sim = gym.create_sim(args.compute_device_id, args.graphics_device_id, args.physics_engine, sim_params)

Error Failed to establish dbus connection occurs, and the program ends with Segmentation fault (core dumped). Actually, running codes before sim = gym.create_sim(...) seems all fine, but once I run sim = gym.create_sim(...), the error occurs. The whole information is as follow:

(isaacgym) user@server:~/isaacgym/python/test_setting$ python simple.pyImporting module 'gym_37' (/home/user/isaacgym/python/isaacgym/_bindings/linux-x86_64/
Setting GYM_USD_PLUG_INFO_PATH to /home/user/isaacgym/python/isaacgym/_bindings/linux-x86_64/usd/plugInfo.json
Not connected to PVD
+++ Using GPU PhysX
Physics Engine: PhysX
Physics Device: cuda:0
GPU Pipeline: enabled
Failed to establish dbus connectionFailed to establish dbus connectionFailed to establish dbus connectionFailed to establish dbus connectionFailed to establish dbus connectionFailed to establish dbus connectionFailed to establish dbus connectionFailed to establish dbus connectionFailed to establish dbus connectionFailed to establish dbus connectionFailed to establish dbus connectionFailed to establish dbus connectionFailed to establish dbus connectionFailed to establish dbus connectionFailed to establish dbus connectionFailed to establish dbus connectionFailed to establish dbus connectionFailed to establish dbus connectionFailed to establish dbus connectionFailed to establish dbus connectionFailed to establish dbus connectionFailed to establish dbus connectionFailed to establish dbus connectionFailed to establish dbus connectionCreating 1 environments
Segmentation fault (core dumped)

I have tried to run isaacgym examples, but error Failed to establish dbus connection always occurs when executing sim = gym.create_sim().

Could anyone help me please?

I find some web pages maybe relavent:

My driver version is exactly 495.29.05. Is it a bug of driver?

Yes. NVIDIA’s driver bug.

Sounds like could be driver related. Does running on CPU in headless mode work for you?

@kellyg Not at all.

Actually, because I can’t use gpu in previous enviromnent (the previous problem), I try another server, didn’t expect that I can’t even create a sim now.😓

And my previous enviromnent’s driver version is 495.29.05, too, but gym.create_sim() works on it. It’s a little bit weird.

I get the “Failed to establish dbus connection” even when I run the samples apps in the Deepstream docker container as provided by Nvidia. The sample apps there work fine except some warnings.

Your seg fault may be unrelated to the dbus failure messages?

Hello, have you ever fixed this issue?
I also have a 495.29.05 driver and has the same issue as yours even when I run a simple pyqt program.
I tried the solution in @dinosaur 's page but it does not help.
I’m using ubuntu 20.04 and this issue is affecting the whole system from 3D rendering to fcitx.


I also met the error when I running the 3D rendering in docker offscreen on