Error reading serialized TensorRT engine


I have an ocrnet.engine file which works fine in a separate inference application built using the nvocdr library . But when I integrate the library and .engine file into my main code base which is a C++ qt application to detect vehicle, then license plate. After that the ocrnet.engine file is suppose to perform ocr on the license plate. Without the ocrnet there are 3 separate models being loaded and performing inference. But the ocrnet is showing this error message: Error reading serialized TensorRT engine:( some symbols). Sometimes the error message is:

Error reading serialized TensorRT engine: _ZN55_INTERNAL_ac9bc2a4_24_syscall_device_shared_cu_9f7172a518ctaUnlockExclusiveEv

To solve the problem I have rebuilt the model. I checked if there is any TensorRT version mismatch between my qt import and the version I have used to parse the model. I have checked the cuda version. Everything seems alright to me. What can be the cause of the error? Also I am using threads.


TensorRT Version: 8.6.1
GPU Type: RTX 2070
Nvidia Driver Version: 525.125.06
CUDA Version: 12.1
CUDNN Version: 8.9.5
Operating System + Version: Linux

I have found out why the error is occurring. For some reason my path can’t be read by the compiler inside nvocdr library

std::string e_path=“/home/sigmind/ocrnet_files/bdlpocrnet.fp16.engine”;
std::string d_path= “/home/sigmind/ocrnet_files/characters_list”;
nvOCDRParam param;
param.input_data_format = NHWC;
param.ocrnet_trt_engine_path =strdup(e_path.c_str());
param.ocrnet_dict_file = strdup(d_path.c_str());
param.ocrnet_infer_input_shape[0] = 1;
param.ocrnet_infer_input_shape[1] = 64;
param.ocrnet_infer_input_shape[2] = 200;
param.ocrnet_decode = Attention;


Error reading serialized TensorRT engine: 0��d7V

But haven’t found out yet why.

Please double-check the paths to the ocrnet.engine file and characters_list file for typos or inconsistencies between your Qt application and the environment where you built the engine. Use absolute paths if possible to avoid ambiguity. Verify file permissions to ensure your application can access them.

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