Im trying to mount the 14 partition which is a a luks partition so I wanted to get the passphrase using this command but it keeps failing:
Im trying to mount the 14 partition which is a a luks partition so I wanted to get the passphrase using this command but it keeps failing:
Hi elhamriothman,
Are you using the devkit or custom board for AGX Orin?
What’s your Jetpack version in use?
Please share the result of ls -al /dev/disk/by-partlabel
on your board.
Hey Kevin,
Im using the 36.3 version, and yes the devkit for the AGX Orin.
Here is the result of the command on my board:
How did you create UDA partition as LUKs partition?
Do you know the passpharase? I suppose that you would need it to create the partition.
I can’t know the passphrase it is generated using the gen_luks_passphrase.py, as I said before if I wanna get it I can use the nvluks-srp-app to get the passphrase but when I try it gives me that failed code 0xffff0008 apprently from what I saw with a guy before, the nvluks-srv-app only runs in the initrd phase so this error is expected but how can I get the passphrase if I wanna verify it on the host?