Fermi support?

What exactly the problem? I managed to use DX 12 mode with dolphin emulator, so as others. Actually, it is working nice .

There is no problem brother, thats only shows for all.
Fermi can run some dx12 codes.
Or maybe can run like Kepler/6xxx series.

Did you guys seen any official statement from Nvidia , what is states the Vulkan API has been canceled etc. ? I haven’t seen any of these.

Because that has no sense.
VULKAN API is a standard created inside the Khronos group, it’s not a property of NVIDIA.
I don’t know what are you understand or thinking about, but we are talking about a lack of support after they announce during months Fermi is perfectly capable to deal with Vulkan.

Just registered an account here to let you guys know that we would love to have vulkan support on Fermi architecture. Cheers !

I have nvidia Geforce 540M(notebook) gpu,When we gonna have Directx 12 and Vulkan supported driver from nvidia?Since I am a C++ Game developer,Still I cannot run any programs developed using Dx12 and Vulkan… If someone know the latest news please inform us.
I recentlt chat with nivida Ppl they say Directx12 support will be there for Fermi Architecture GPUs but they have no ideas when ? blah…
Thank you

I have an GF820M and it is not supports Vulkan, because it have Fermi architecture. NVIDIA is forcing us to buy newer cards. Guess what? I will not buy any NVIDIA GPU anymore. I will switch to AMD.

Finally, ant it’s not too early, NVIDIA has released drivers with Vulkan support for Fermi architecture. Nvidia, next time it would be better for your reputation and money not to let your customers wait a long time. Marketing, 1st class…
I hope everyone will enjoy this (very very) very late support.
I wish you a good coding!

Wait a moment : I’ve installed the latest driver (wich has Vulkan support in the driver release) but there is no Vulkan app working on my PC. vkEnumeratePhysicalDevices() returns VK_INITIALIZATION_FAILED, because it doesn’t find any valid GPU. Thanks NVIDIA, lie is the BEST thing you can do to get less money(I think you understand : MONEY)!

I too just registered an account to say that I would love to have vulkan available for Fermi architectures. If NVIDIA adds directx 12 for Fermi, they can add vulkan too!

I have registered an account to say that I am very disappointed that there won’t be Vulkan for Ferni, I will not be able to get a new GPU for a while and would really like Vulkan.

I also have registered an account only to say thanks for gimping an otherwise viable card. Now I’ll need a new GPU soon and it will almost certainly be from AMD.

finaly got my account to register and would like to see this get traction mabey some good person can modify nvapi64.dll to allow full vulcan support for fermi cards

would love to play the new wolfenstien 2 on my current gaming pc considering i can run battlfeild 1 on high settings at 50-60 fps on 1080p , battlefeild 5 runs beutifully on 1080p at low settings aswell

nvidia 365.10 drivers work best
i5 25000k
8gb ddr3

My disappointment is immeasurable and my day is ruined,
especially seeing how petty the excuse is, as you can see on this thread alone,
there is still a significant amount of Fermi users.

I was really looking forward to the performance
that could have been squeezed out of my 560 with the Vulkan API.

It’s clearly a tactic to get Fermi users to upgrade and buy a new card.


I got 2 cards , one from Nivdia and AMD. Still working on project. Nvidia is pain in the ass so far. Sadly .