Flutter app 4k Rendering on NVIDIA SHIELD

I purchased an NVIDIA SHIELD for development purposes. Does it support 4k out of the box? I purchased a month pass of the GeForce Now Ultimate. But I am trying to deploy my app written in Flutter with VSCode, to the NVIDIA SHIELD. The resolution is extremely low. How do I get the full 4k? Thank you for your help.

I’ve just developed my first Android TV app using Flutter in VSCode on my M1 MacBook Pro. While the app works perfectly fine on my Google Chromecast with Google TV, it appears corrupted on my NVIDIA Shield TV Pro.

Is this similar to what you’re experiencing?

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I did. Exactly. I am sorry, I meant to reply once I read about your issue. Add this to your AndroidManifest.xml file under the Application tag:

    <!-- Don't delete the meta-data below.
         This is used by the Flutter tool to generate GeneratedPluginRegistrant.java -->
        android:value="2" />

        android:value="true" />
        android:value="true" />
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Thank you Jerry, that worked like a charm 🤩

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By chance know how to get 4K on the SHIELD with Flutter? I haven’t figured that out yet. The display is in 4K but the height and width reported in Flutter is well short, more like HD.