Frequently Used

Sorry I can’t find a feature request section for Create.

In the extensions window, I wish there was a “Frequently Used” extension dropdown (like there is for featured, etc.). Maybe the most used 5 extensions (that were manually turned on, not from autoload). use case is that some things should not autoload, but most of the time I want to use them.

Another example is vscode debug. I usually want it, but if I have multiple create’s that are connecting it causes issues with picking which one I want to use. Its just annoying to search every time.

Great Idea @user56551! I’ve passed your request over to the dev team!

A feature request ticket was created from this post. OM-79642: Frequently Used

Hows this feature going? :D

Unfortunately, I do not see this being done at this current time. It could be something that could be written by a community member as an extension idea.

Thanks for at least resolving this. I don’t think it is feasible for a community extension becomes it needs to be part of the nvidia-written extension manager itself.

Any community member extension automatically becomes part of the Extension Manager. That is how it works. You write it and submit it and then its part of the entire Extension manager for everyone to use.

I meant to say because instead of becomes

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