Gnome night light not working under Wayland

I’m also requesting this feature. Xorg is laggy for me, and Wayland is the only thing that’s smooth. The lack of blue light filtering is literally the only thing preventing me from ditching Windows, because I want the smooth experience. Please fix this with the next driver update!

My monitor does have blue light filtering, but it’s nowhere near enough what I use. I have my monitor’s filtering maxed out + blue light filter of the OS at like 60%+ when it’s dark. It makes a huge difference on eyes with longer sessions, trust me (on top of having brightness of the monitor down)

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Next generation of cards all the way at the end of 2022? There is 0% chance I’m waiting that long. I still have a 1060 GPU so I need an upgrade and if this isn’t fixed in a few weeks, I will likely be jumping ship when I upgrade.

Same bug in Ubuntu 22.04 !!! I need to use X11 because of the issue with Night Light, I work all day in front of my PC and I can’t use Wayland (the default option) because of this bug. nvidia fix it!!

Just wanted to mention, quoting an NVIDIA dev, “Support for GAMMA_LUT is in the queue, but no ETA at the moment.” Posted March 23rd.

Same problem from ubuntu 18.04 to 22.04, i use a gtx 1060 from 5 years ago to now and have the same problem. nvidia developers code with their elbows. the driver is a minimally functional mess.

Can NVIDIA Employees give some information about the latest situation? This is an extremely important feature. I would like to know that.

Hey! Listen! Fix It!

Hi All,
I will check internally with the team and provide status update.
We have also filed a bug 3351892 for tracking purpose.

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Will we continue to wait for GAMMA_LUT support for a long time? Is there any information?

@amrits @ekurzinger So I don’t understand how hard it is. As far as I can see, 515.65 also does not have this feature.

We were able to root caused the problem and planning to integrate fix in future release.
I will update here once it is available publicly.


Any date on the fix? Thanks.

It might be in the NVIDIA 525 driver. Of course that’s just my hope. IDK. NVIDIA 4000 cards are soon to be released. The next major driver will be released very soon. I hope it’s there.

Okay, I don’t see any Wayland improvements and we still can’t use the night light feature. I have nothing to say. I completely gave up.

Hi @amrits .

Is fix planned for merge anytime soon ?

I will check internally and update.

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Any updates?

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It’s being worked on.

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Almost a month ago since last updates. Today 525 driver for GeForce GT 1030 cards arrive at Ubuntu but still no news for night light working property on Wayland which works in the competence since years. Could you give your customers a solution for this problem, please?


Before the 520 and 525 drivers came out, I believed it would come out in the next major release. This is NVIDIA. How can you be hopeful? What a fool i am. LOL!

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