GTPU decap support in Simple Forward implementation

Does Simple Forward VNF :: NVIDIA DOCA SDK Documentation support GTPU decap?


  1. There exist simple_fwd_pinfo_decap() in simple_fwd_pkt.c which states/show only support for DOCA_FLOW_TUN_VXLAN and “decap for GRE not supported” and no mention of GTPU – Is GTPU decap supported?

  2. simple_fwd_build_gtp_pipe() in simple_fwd.c show “actions.decap = true;” but I do not observe GTPU decap – Is “actions.decap = true;” supported for GTP and does it function correctly in causing the headers that were defined in the doca_flow_match to be removed from the packet ?

I forgot to add:

My NIC is BlueField-2 P-Series SmartNIC 25GbE Dual-Port SFP56,

cat /etc/mlnx-release
