Hot Reloading from Docker

Hello! I have been trying to work my way through tutorials, and I am using IsaacSim on the server inside Docker, and connecting to it with Omniverse Streaming client. Naturally, VSCode does not open when I press “open source code” button, but I am able to connect to the server from my local computer and change the code (SSH + VSCode dev containers). But I have to restart the application for changes to take place. And even then I am unable to add the cuboid (like in hello world example). Am I doing something wrong? Is there a way to enable hot-reloading?


Update: Eventually when I change the code, it begins working like it should, but I have to restart the headless app every time. Is there a way to do something a bit quicker?

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I have the same problem. I have found this to be container-related rather than anything to do with SSH. If I edit the file on the server, outside of the container, hot reloading still does not work.

I also found that disabling and enabling the extension is enough to reload it, without needing to restart the whole container.

Hi! Thanks for your reply! Could you please advise me how do you disable / enable the extension? I usually just restart the simulation application, not the whole container. I have to restart the container sometimes when something crashes and is too stubborn to load back.

Window > Extensions > (3rd Party) then find your extension and then toggle it off then on again.

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Hey, have you figured out something? I am facing the same problem.

I have to close the app and open it again, that’s it. It takes approx 10-15 seconds every time I make a change.

Restarting of app is of course working. However I am developing in RL examples and the restart takes a long time. Thus I am trying to figure out a faster option.

Bump on this thread. Also having the same issue. It doesn’t matter if I run Isaac headless or with X11 forwarding from the docker container.