How many are on-board camera resolutions supported by OpenCV 3.2

At present, Only 3 resolutions is retrieved with ~/opencv-3.2.0/samples/cpp/example_cmake/example.cpp

Output see below:
Available Sensor modes :
2592 x 1944 FR=30.000000 CF=0x1009208a10 SensorModeType=4 CSIPixelBitDepth=10 DynPixelBitDepth=10
2592 x 1458 FR=30.000000 CF=0x1009208a10 SensorModeType=4 CSIPixelBitDepth=10 DynPixelBitDepth=10
1280 x 720 FR=120.000000 CF=0x1009208a10 SensorModeType=4 CSIPixelBitDepth=10 DynPixelBitDepth=10

NvCameraSrc: Trying To Set Default Camera Resolution. Selected 1280x720 FrameRate = 120.000000 …

I wanna get a smaller show, a blank screen appears using resolution 640x360 FrameRate = 480.000000.

How can I meet such experience?

hello viisautta,

these available sensor modes were reported by the camera driver, each sensor modes had its initial settings.
you can use video converter to downscale the image to your expect resolution, but the frame rate won’t increase.
if you would like to have a specific sensor mode. please contact sensor vendor to develop the camera driver. thanks