How much benefit can i get from dynamic parallelism in my code

Hi there,

First, wish all of you a peaceful and merry Christmas.^-^

Now back to my question, I have the following code :

const int MAX_NUM_ITERATIONS = 50;
const int MIN_NUM_ITERATIONS = 5;
bool running = true;	// this value will be changed through keyborad events

while (running)
	kernel1<<<NUM_BLOCKS, NUM_THREADS>>>();
	cudaDeviceSynchronize ();

	int num_iterations = 0;
	bool continue_condition = true;
	while ( (num_iterations < MIN_NUM_ITERATIONS) || (continue_condition && (num_iterations < MAX_NUM_ITERATIONS)) )
		kernel2<<<NUM_BLOCKS, NUM_THREADS>>>(...);
		cudaDeviceSynchronize ();

		kernel3<<<NUM_BLOCKS, NUM_THREADS>>>(...);
		cudaDeviceSynchronize ();

		kernel4<<<NUM_BLOCKS, NUM_THREADS>>>(..., continue_condition);
		cudaDeviceSynchronize ();

		kernel5<<<NUM_BLOCKS, NUM_THREADS>>>(...);
		cudaDeviceSynchronize ();


	kernel6<<<NUM_BLOCKS, NUM_THREADS>>>();
	cudaDeviceSynchronize ();

	kernel7<<<NUM_BLOCKS, NUM_THREADS>>>();
	cudaDeviceSynchronize ();

Here are my questions:
(1) How much benefit can i get if I use dynamic parallelism for this code on my GTX 780 ?
(2) Is the kernel launch time from device shorter than from host code?
