I have trained a frcnn_resnet18 model with transfer learning toolkit using the docker downloaded from NGC on my host machine.
I can do inference with the deepstream custom app given in the IVA Getting Started Guide, it’s seems to work well on the nano.
My objective now is to run inference with only tensorrt, for this I use the tensorrt sample wich works well with faster rcnn models trained with tensorflow or caffe (and optimized for tensorrt with a uff parser).
The inference of a SSD model trained with TLT and converted to a TRT engine is succefully executed, but it’s not working for a Faster RCNN model: The inference is running but the outputs of the network are weird, the position of the bouding boxes are always between 1 and 3.
Is the post-processing of a Faster RCNN model trained with TLT differents?
Hi Steventel,
Is there any log for “The inference is running but the outputs of the network are weird”?
For “the position of the bouding boxes are always between 1 and 3.”, what do you mean by “1” and “3”? Do you refer to class id?
The problem is the position of the bouding boxes, the predicted class seems to be right as the confidence score. When I get the output image, i see little bouding boxes in the left top corner of my image. Even if the positions are wrong, the right of the bouding box is always greater than the left, same fact for the bottom and the top of the bouding boxe, that why i think the problem is about the post processing of the bouding boxes, maybe I’m wrong.
Hi steventel,
Sorry for late reply.We’re investigating the difference.
For the result with deepstream or your C++ application, you were using trt engine to do inference, right?
I summarize you result as below. Please correct me if any.
tlt-infer + tlt model (good result)
deepstream + trt fp16 engine (not good)
your C++ application + trt fp16 engine (not good)
deepstream + etlt model (unknown)
Could you check the result of above item 4? Thanks.
1.Make sure the visualization confidence threshold, the NMS parameters, etc are the same between tlt-infer and trt inference.
2.The tlt-infer uses fp32 data type. What is the data type in your trt inference? Is it fp16? Lower precision data type can get worse result.
3.What is the rate of detection mismatching? If the rate is high, I’m afraid there is something wrong in the inference code or deepstream configuration.
deepstream + trt fp16 or fp32 engine (generated automaticaly by deepstream from etlt) → not good
my C++ application + trt fp16 or fp32 engine → not good
deepstream + etlt model → not good
I’ve checked that visualization confidence threshold are the same (0.6), same for NMS parameters.
I have tested with fp32 and fp16 models. Got similar bad results.
Yes the rate seems to be high, for this reason, I’ve just send you in private message my tlt training folder with some images, and also the deepstream sample application used.