How to get the image/frame that the inference/perception (DeepStream 7) are recording on REDIS

I am geting the metadata from REDIS with the result of container DeepStream 7 Yolov8s test but i can’t find the image/frame.

i have this metadata:

'{ "version" : "4.0", "id" : "348945", "@timestamp" : "2024-08-13T14:10:05.137Z", "sensorId" : "video_test", "objects" : [ "39634|361.462|475.645|405.39|591.268|Person|0", "39625|422.592|489.527|461.835|585.446|car|0" ] }'

But i have only the boxes, not the image frame.

How can i get the image/frame from this information/metadata?

Which application are you using? Are you using AI NVR from JPS: AI NVR — Metropolis on Jetson documentation 0.1.0 documentation
DeepStream doesn’t send the object corp or video frame to Redis currently.

I am using AI NVR,

I saw that we can use API to GET the image from STORAGE like:


Is this the best way to get the frame using @timestamp (var that exist on REDIS message) ?

I am trying this command and i received the frame with success!


Yes, you are right. Application can get image or video clips form VST.

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