How to make Argus in Jetson 35.2.1 recover after a corrupted frame?

The new version of and appears to be worse than previous one.
It appears to always crash on a timeout (this was already reported on JP5.1 nvarguscamera doesn't recover from single NVCSI failure - #57 by JerryChang)
The simplest way to reproduce it with any sensor, like IMX274, is to run a long capture using:
nvargus_nvraw --c 0 --file out --format “raw,jpg” --skipframes 1000
and then stop streaming:
echo 0 | sudo tee /sys/kernel/debug/camera-video0/streaming
Argus always crashes somewhere inside malloc or free:
Sometimes it is:
Stack trace of thread 3733:
#0 0x0000ffff8d7b7d78 __GI_raise ( + 0x33d78)
#1 0x0000ffff8d7a4aac __GI_abort ( + 0x20aac)
#2 0x0000ffff8d7f1f40 __libc_message ( + 0x6df40)
#3 0x0000ffff8d7f9344 malloc_printerr ( + 0x75344)
#4 0x0000ffff8d7f9c54 malloc_consolidate ( + 0x75c54)
#5 0x0000ffff8d7fafac _int_free ( + 0x76fac)
#6 0x0000ffff8d0fe548 _ZN3scf17EGLStreamProducerD2Ev ( + 0x145548)
#7 0x0000ffff8d0fe60c _ZN3scf17EGLStreamProducerD0Ev.localalias ( + 0x14560c)
#8 0x0000ffff8d01cc70 _ZN3scf7Session19destroyOutputStreamEPNS_13IOutputStreamE ( + 0x63c70)
#9 0x0000ffff8a4187fc _ZThn8_N5Argus19EGLOutputStreamImpl7destroyEv ( + 0x8c7fc)
#10 0x0000ffff8da13d08 n/a ( + 0x11cd08)
#11 0x0000ffff8da1423c n/a ( + 0x11d23c)
#12 0x0000ffff8da2b334 n/a ( + 0x134334)
#13 0x0000ffff8da2b7b8 n/a ( + 0x1347b8)
#14 0x0000ffff8da2b9e8 n/a ( + 0x1349e8)
#15 0x0000ffff8da2ac98 n/a ( + 0x133c98)
#16 0x0000ffff8da2ae74 n/a ( + 0x133e74)
#17 0x0000ffff8cb3f624 start_thread ( + 0x7624)
#18 0x0000ffff8d85549c thread_start ( + 0xd149c)

Stack trace of thread 3692:
#0 0x0000ffff82201d78 __GI_raise ( + 0x33d78)
#1 0x0000ffff821eeaac __GI_abort ( + 0x20aac)
#2 0x0000ffff8223bf40 __libc_message ( + 0x6df40)
#3 0x0000ffff82243344 malloc_printerr ( + 0x75344)
#4 0x0000ffff82243c54 malloc_consolidate ( + 0x75c54)
#5 0x0000ffff82244fac _int_free ( + 0x76fac)
#6 0x0000ffff81b48548 _ZN3scf17EGLStreamProducerD2Ev ( + 0x145548)
#7 0x0000ffff81b4860c _ZN3scf17EGLStreamProducerD0Ev.localalias ( + 0x14560c)
#8 0x0000ffff81a66c70 _ZN3scf7Session19destroyOutputStreamEPNS_13IOutputStreamE ( + 0x63c70)
#9 0x0000ffff7ee627fc _ZThn8_N5Argus19EGLOutputStreamImpl7destroyEv ( + 0x8c7fc)
#10 0x0000ffff8245dd08 n/a ( + 0x11cd08)
#11 0x0000ffff8245e23c n/a ( + 0x11d23c)
#12 0x0000ffff82475334 n/a ( + 0x134334)
#13 0x0000ffff824757b8 n/a ( + 0x1347b8)
#14 0x0000ffff824759e8 n/a ( + 0x1349e8)
#15 0x0000ffff82474c98 n/a ( + 0x133c98)
#16 0x0000ffff82474e74 n/a ( + 0x133e74)
#17 0x0000ffff81589624 start_thread ( + 0x7624)
#18 0x0000ffff8229f49c thread_start ( + 0xd149c)

Stack trace of thread 3179:
#0 0x0000ffff82295f08 __GI___poll ( + 0xc7f08)
#1 0x0000ffff7fe98340 n/a ( + 0x23a340)
#2 0x0000ffff7fe88dd4 n/a ( + 0x22add4)
#3 0x0000ffff7fe915c8 n/a ( + 0x2335c8)
#4 0x0000ffff81589624 start_thread ( + 0x7624)
#5 0x0000ffff8229f49c thread_start ( + 0xd149c)

Stack trace of thread 3709:
#0 0x0000ffff8159041c futex_wait_cancelable ( + 0xe41c)
#1 0x0000ffff8190a894 n/a ( + 0xa894)
#2 0x0000ffff81909098 NvOsSemaphoreWaitTimeout ( + 0x9098)
#3 0x0000ffff81af2000 ZN3scf23CameraEventWorkerThread12workerThreadEPS0 ( + 0xef000)
#4 0x0000ffff81909114 n/a ( + 0x9114)
#5 0x0000ffff81589624 start_thread ( + 0x7624)
#6 0x0000ffff8229f49c thread_start ( + 0xd149c)

Stack trace of thread 3724:
#0 0x0000ffff82291bf0 __GI___libc_read ( + 0xc3bf0)
#1 0x0000ffff7f61be7c n/a ( + 0x41e7c)
#2 0x0000ffff81909114 n/a ( + 0x9114)
#3 0x0000ffff81589624 start_thread ( + 0x7624)
#4 0x0000ffff8229f49c thread_start ( + 0xd149c)

Stack trace of thread 3694:
#0 0x0000ffff8159041c futex_wait_cancelable ( + 0xe41c)
#1 0x0000ffff81908eb0 NvOsConditionWait ( + 0x8eb0)
#2 0x0000ffff819d11f4 _ZNK13nvcamerautils17ConditionVariable4waitERKNS_5MutexE ( + 0xb1f4)
#3 0x0000ffff81a875ec _ZN3scf14FiberScheduler12getNextFiberEPNS_15ExecutionThreadEPPNS_5FiberE ( + 0x845ec)
#4 0x0000ffff81a829ac _ZN3scf15ExecutionThread3runEv ( + 0x7f9ac)
#5 0x0000ffff81909114 n/a ( + 0x9114)
#6 0x0000ffff81589624 start_thread ( + 0x7624)
#7 0x0000ffff8229f49c thread_start ( + 0xd149c)

Stack trace of thread 3727:
#0 0x0000ffff8159041c futex_wait_cancelable ( + 0xe41c)
#1 0x0000ffff81908eb0 NvOsConditionWait ( + 0x8eb0)
#2 0x0000ffff819d11f4 _ZNK13nvcamerautils17ConditionVariable4waitERKNS_5MutexE ( + 0xb1f4)
#3 0x0000ffff81ab8f1c _ZN3scf10AsyncStage18processNextRequestEv ( + 0xb5f1c)
#4 0x0000ffff81ab9440 _ZN3scf10AsyncStage14threadFunctionEPv ( + 0xb6440)
#5 0x0000ffff81909114 n/a ( + 0x9114)
#6 0x0000ffff81589624 start_thread ( + 0x7624)
#7 0x0000ffff8229f49c thread_start ( + 0xd149c)

Stack trace of thread 1078:
#0 0x0000ffff822a0028 __libc_accept ( + 0xd2028)
#1 0x0000ffff824744f4 n/a ( + 0x1334f4)
#2 0x0000ffff8247469c n/a ( + 0x13369c)
#3 0x0000aaaae9c007f4 n/a (nvargus-daemon + 0x7f4)
#4 0x0000ffff821eee10 __libc_start_main ( + 0x20e10)
#5 0x0000aaaae9c00850 n/a (nvargus-daemon + 0x850)
#6 0x0000aaaae9c00850 n/a (nvargus-daemon + 0x850)