I have already have Python software installed. But still the code hits error at the line “from pxr import”. Did I missed any step? I have included an attachment to show that I have installed Python latest version. Kindly advise me on my next step. Thanks in advance.
I even try to install this usd library but it hits error. I have included the error message in attachment. And I have attached the usd library file as well. Got this library from this link: usd-core · PyPI usd_core-23.2-cp310-none-win_amd64.whl (12.2 MB)
Hi @salvinravindran. You’re very close! usd-core is only built for versions up to Python 3.10. Can you try using Python 3.10 or older? FWIW, we currently use Python 3.7 in Omniverse.