Hello, Robert.
Thanks, I prepared a full demo reproducing the two Gauss filter implementations - with and without tiles.
#include <cuda_runtime.h>
#include <device_launch_parameters.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#define TILE_W 16
#define TILE_H 16
#define BLOCK 512
inline int get_number_of_blocks(int array_size, int block_size)
return array_size / block_size + ((array_size % block_size > 0) ? 1 : 0);
__device__ __constant__ float kernel_gauss5x5[25] =
0.00296902, 0.0133062, 0.0219382, 0.0133062, 0.00296902,
0.0133062, 0.0596343, 0.0983203, 0.0596343, 0.0133062,
0.0219382, 0.0983203, 0.162103, 0.0983203, 0.0219382,
0.0133062, 0.0596343, 0.0983203, 0.0596343, 0.0133062,
0.00296902, 0.0133062, 0.0219382, 0.0133062, 0.00296902
__device__ __constant__ float kernel_gauss7x7[49] =
0.00001965, 0.00023941, 0.00107296, 0.00176901, 0.00107296, 0.00023941, 0.00001965,
0.00023941, 0.0029166, 0.01307131, 0.02155094, 0.01307131, 0.0029166, 0.00023941,
0.00107296, 0.01307131, 0.05858154, 0.09658462, 0.05858154, 0.01307131, 0.00107296,
0.00176901, 0.02155094, 0.09658462, 0.15924113, 0.09658462, 0.02155094, 0.00176901,
0.00107296, 0.01307131, 0.05858154, 0.09658462, 0.05858154, 0.01307131, 0.00107296,
0.00023941, 0.0029166, 0.01307131, 0.02155094, 0.01307131, 0.0029166, 0.00023941,
0.00001965, 0.00023941, 0.00107296, 0.00176901, 0.00107296, 0.00023941, 0.00001965,
__global__ void gauss5x5_kernel(const float* __restrict__ in, float *out, int w, int h)
unsigned int idx = blockIdx.x*blockDim.x + threadIdx.x;
if (idx >= w * h * 3)
unsigned int y = idx / (3*w);
unsigned int offset = idx - y * 3 * w;
unsigned int x = offset % w;
unsigned int c = offset / w;
unsigned int idx4 = y * w * 4 + c*w + x;
if (x <= 1 || y <= 1 || x >= w-2 || y >= h-2)
out[idx4] = in[idx4];
float sum = 0;
#pragma unroll
for(int i = -2; i <=2; i++)
for(int j = -2; j <=2; j++)
sum += in[idx4 + j + 4*w*i] *kernel_gauss5x5[(i + 2) * 5 + (j + 2)];
out[idx4] = sum;
__global__ void gauss5x5_tiles_kernel(const float* __restrict__ in, float *out, int w, int h)
const int R = 2;
const int BLOCK_W = (TILE_W + 2*R);
const int BLOCK_H = (TILE_H + 2*R);
__shared__ float smem[BLOCK_W*BLOCK_H];
int tx = threadIdx.x;
int ty = threadIdx.y;
int offset = blockIdx.x * TILE_W + tx-R;
int x = offset % w;
int c = offset / w;
int y = blockIdx.y * TILE_H + ty-R;
// clamp to edge of image
x = max(0, x);
x = min(x, w-1);
y = max(y, 0);
y = min(y, h-1);
//x = clamp(x, 0, w - 1);
//y = clamp(y, 0, h - 1);
unsigned int idx = y*w*4 + c*w + x;
unsigned int bindex = threadIdx.y*BLOCK_W+threadIdx.x;
// each thread copies its pixel of the block to shared memory
smem[bindex] = in[idx];
float sum = 0;
// only threads inside the apron will write results
if (threadIdx.x >= R && threadIdx.x < (BLOCK_W-R) && threadIdx.y >= R && threadIdx.y < (BLOCK_H-R))
#pragma unroll
for(int i = -R; i <=R; i++)
for(int j = -R; j <=R; j++)
sum += smem[bindex + (i*blockDim.x) + j] * kernel_gauss5x5[(i + R) * 5 + (j + R)];
out[idx] = sum;
__global__ void gauss7x7_tiles_kernel(const float* __restrict__ in, float *out, int w, int h)
const int R = 3;
const int BLOCK_W = (TILE_W + 2*R);
const int BLOCK_H = (TILE_H + 2*R);
__shared__ float smem[BLOCK_W*BLOCK_H];
int tx = threadIdx.x;
int ty = threadIdx.y;
int offset = blockIdx.x * TILE_W + tx-R;
unsigned int x = offset % w;
unsigned int c = offset / w;
int y = blockIdx.y * TILE_H + ty-R;
// clamp to edge of image
x = max(0, x);
x = min(x, w-1);
y = max(y, 0);
y = min(y, h-1);
unsigned int idx = y*w*4 + c*w + x;
unsigned int bindex = threadIdx.y*BLOCK_W+threadIdx.x;
// each thread copies its pixel of the block to shared memory
smem[bindex] = in[idx];
float sum = 0;
// only threads inside the apron will write results
if (threadIdx.x >= R && threadIdx.x < (BLOCK_W-R) && threadIdx.y >= R && threadIdx.y < (BLOCK_H-R))
#pragma unroll
for(int i = -R; i <=R; i++)
for(int j = -R; j <=R; j++)
sum += smem[bindex + (i*blockDim.x) + j] *kernel_gauss7x7[(i + R) * 7 + (j + R)];
out[idx] = sum;
__global__ void gauss7x7_kernel(const float* __restrict__ in, float *out, int w, int h)
unsigned int idx = blockIdx.x*blockDim.x + threadIdx.x;
if (idx >= w * h * 3)
unsigned int y = idx / (3*w);
unsigned int offset = idx - y * 3 * w;
unsigned int x = offset % w;
unsigned int c = offset / w;
unsigned int idx4 = y * w * 4 + c*w + x;
if (x <= 2 || y <= 2 || x >= w-3 || y >= h-3)
out[idx4] = in[idx4];
float sum = 0;
#pragma unroll
for(int i = -3; i <=3; i++)
for(int j = -3; j <=3; j++)
sum += in[idx4 + j + 4*w*i] *kernel_gauss7x7[(i + 3) * 7 + (j + 3)];
out[idx4] = sum;
extern "C" float* gauss5x5_gpu_tiles(float* d_src, float* d_dest, int w, int h, int cycles)
dim3 dimGrid ((w*3) / TILE_W, h / TILE_H);
dim3 dimBlock(TILE_W+4, TILE_H+4);
float* src = d_src,*dst = d_dest, *tmp = d_dest;
while (cycles--)
gauss5x5_tiles_kernel << < dimGrid, dimBlock, 0 >> > (src, d_dest, w, h);
tmp = dst;
dst = src;
src = tmp;
return tmp;
extern "C" float* gauss5x5_gpu(float* d_src, float* d_dest, int w, int h, int cycles)
float* src = d_src,*dst = d_dest, *tmp = d_dest;
while (cycles--)
gauss5x5_kernel << < get_number_of_blocks(w*h * 3, BLOCK), BLOCK, 0 >> > (src, d_dest, w, h);
tmp = dst;
dst = src;
src = tmp;
return tmp;
extern "C" float* gauss7x7_gpu_tiles(float* d_src, float* d_dest, int w, int h, int cycles)
dim3 dimGrid ((w*3) / TILE_W, h / TILE_H);
dim3 dimBlock(TILE_W+6, TILE_H+6);
float* src = d_src,*dst = d_dest, *tmp = d_dest;
while (cycles--)
gauss7x7_tiles_kernel << < dimGrid, dimBlock, 0 >> > (src, d_dest, w, h);
tmp = dst;
dst = src;
src = tmp;
return tmp;
extern "C" float* gauss7x7_gpu(float* d_src, float* d_dest, int w, int h, int cycles)
float* src = d_src,*dst = d_dest, *tmp = d_dest;
while (cycles--)
gauss7x7_kernel << < get_number_of_blocks(w*h*3, BLOCK), BLOCK, 0 >> > (src, d_dest, w, h);
tmp = dst;
dst = src;
src = tmp;
return tmp;
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <chrono>
#include <algorithm>
// CUDA utilities and system includes
#include <cuda_runtime.h>
void check_error(cudaError_t status)
cudaError_t status2 = cudaGetLastError();
if (status != cudaSuccess)
const char *s = cudaGetErrorString(status);
printf("\n CUDA Error: %s\n", s);
if (status2 != cudaSuccess)
const char *s = cudaGetErrorString(status2);
printf("\n CUDA Error Prev: %s\n", s);
void printTime(const char* name, double time)
float fps = 1000 / time;
char tmp[32];
sprintf(tmp, "%0.2f [ms]", time);
printf("%-#20s%0.2f\n", tmp, fps);
#define CHECK_CUDA(X) check_error((cudaError_t)X);
extern "C" float* gauss5x5_gpu_tiles(float* d_src, float* d_dest, int w, int h, int cycles);
extern "C" float* gauss5x5_gpu(float* d_src, float* d_dest, int w, int h, int cycles);
extern "C" float* gauss7x7_gpu_tiles(float* d_src, float* d_dest, int w, int h, int cycles);
extern "C" float* gauss7x7_gpu(float* d_src, float* d_dest, int w, int h, int cycles);
int main(void)
const int IMAGE_W = 5202 ; // pixels
const int IMAGE_H = 6502 ;
const int N = 5202 * 6502 * 4;
const int cycles = 100;
// image is loaded as RGBA. fill with random values
float* img_cpu = new float[N];
for (int k = 0; k < N; k++)
img_cpu[k] = std::rand() % 255;
float* img_gpu = nullptr;
CHECK_CUDA(cudaMalloc((void **) &img_gpu, (N * sizeof(float))));
float* temp_gpu = nullptr;
CHECK_CUDA(cudaMalloc((void **) &temp_gpu, (N * sizeof(float))));
printf("image size: %d x %d\n", IMAGE_W, IMAGE_H);
printf("%-#40s%-#20s%0s\n", "filter", "time", "FPS");
// warmup
gauss5x5_gpu_tiles(img_gpu, temp_gpu, IMAGE_W, IMAGE_H, 1);
auto timeStart = std::chrono::system_clock::now();
gauss5x5_gpu_tiles(img_gpu, temp_gpu, IMAGE_W, IMAGE_H, cycles);
auto timeEnd = std::chrono::system_clock::now();
double dProcessingTime = (double)std::chrono::duration_cast<std::chrono::milliseconds>(timeEnd - timeStart).count() / cycles;
printTime("gauss5x5_gpu_tiles", dProcessingTime);
// warmup
gauss5x5_gpu(img_gpu, temp_gpu, IMAGE_W, IMAGE_H, 1);
timeStart = std::chrono::system_clock::now();
gauss5x5_gpu(img_gpu, temp_gpu, IMAGE_W, IMAGE_H, cycles);
timeEnd = std::chrono::system_clock::now();
dProcessingTime = (double)std::chrono::duration_cast<std::chrono::milliseconds>(timeEnd - timeStart).count() / cycles;
printTime("gauss5x5_gpu", dProcessingTime);
// warmup
gauss7x7_gpu_tiles(img_gpu, temp_gpu, IMAGE_W, IMAGE_H, 1);
timeStart = std::chrono::system_clock::now();
gauss7x7_gpu_tiles(img_gpu, temp_gpu, IMAGE_W, IMAGE_H, cycles);
timeEnd = std::chrono::system_clock::now();
dProcessingTime = (double)std::chrono::duration_cast<std::chrono::milliseconds>(timeEnd - timeStart).count() / cycles;
printTime("gauss7x7_gpu_tiles", dProcessingTime);
// warmup
gauss7x7_gpu(img_gpu, temp_gpu, IMAGE_W, IMAGE_H, 1);
timeStart = std::chrono::system_clock::now();
gauss7x7_gpu(img_gpu, temp_gpu, IMAGE_W, IMAGE_H, cycles);
timeEnd = std::chrono::system_clock::now();
dProcessingTime = (double)std::chrono::duration_cast<std::chrono::milliseconds>(timeEnd - timeStart).count() / cycles;
printTime("gauss7x7_gpu", dProcessingTime);
delete img_cpu;
return 0;
On my PC this outputs:
image size: 5202 x 6502
filter time FPS
gauss5x5_gpu_tiles 6.85 [ms] 145.99
gauss5x5_gpu 4.67 [ms] 214.13
gauss7x7_gpu_tiles 10.63 [ms] 94.07
gauss7x7_gpu 7.61 [ms] 131.41
Sorry about the wrong int type in the first code example, the float buffers actually contain pixel values (0-255). I also understood that not all threads from the block are used, only those inside the apron (about 80% of all threads), but this is also and how the original tiles filter (from the link) works. I don’t know about better way to implement the tiles.
About the “(” Enhanced L1 Data Cache and Shared Memory" reference, it may actually explain my results, seems that after cc7 the available shared memory is now used much better as data cache and then such tiles algorithms counting of shared memory are actually slower and inefficient, not the whole warp is used and there is one a call to __syncthreads();
but application will place what it needs in the L1 Data cache anyway. It is good to know this.