hello, i do power performance test, using the yolov8 model(the video is a USB UVC camera), now the model can run and i can get the results. But the GPU take the main heavy task, and the DLA PVA are off, they are not working.
my env:
my Devkit is Xavier NX, but I do the same test in AGX xavier devkit,the result is the same.
my question is how to use the DLAx PVAx to accelerate the performance? and let the DLA/PVA do more, offload the GPU task?
now we use one usb camera, if we use more cameras, the GPU’s ability is not enough.
copy that and thanks
use the correct parameter to enable the DLA function.
./trtexec --onnx=data/resnet50/ResNet50.onnx --useDLACore=0 --fp16 --allowGPUFallback
about PVA, we will go on learning it and the VPI.