I am trying to set up secure boot in a Jetson Tx2 on a connectech spacely carrier board.
I am trying secure boot with kernel, kerne-dtb and initrd encryption as well as disk encryption.
I am using 32.7.2 version of L4T
Burned the fuses using odmfuse.sh and used flash.sh to encrypt and flash the image.
The Tx2 boots up fine afterwards. When I connect to UART0 the only output I am getting is
[ 3.526839] ina3221x 0-0042: ina3221 reset failure status: 0xffffff87
[ 3.533679] ina3221x 0-0043: ina3221 reset failure status: 0xffffff87
[ 4.064509] cgroup: cgroup2: unknown option “nsdelegate”
[ 5.640254] using random self ethernet address
[ 5.653600] using random host ethernet address
[ 5.962343] tegra_cec 3960000.tegra_cec: timeout in tegra_cec_native_write_l:172.
[ 5.970450] tegra_cec 3960000.tegra_cec: Sent res: -62.
[ 5.977123] tegra_cec 3960000.tegra_cec: tegra_cec_init Done.
[ 6.690621] using random self ethernet address
[ 6.695140] using random host ethernet address
[ 6.835061] CPU1: shutdown
[ 6.919313] CPU2: shutdown
[ 8.048188] Bridge firewalling registered
Ubuntu 18.04.6 LTS tx2 ttyS0
tx2 login:
Last login: Fri Dec 10 14:46:37 IST 2021 on ttyS0
Welcome to Ubuntu 18.04.6 LTS (GNU/Linux 4.9.253-tegra aarch64)
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not required on a system that users do not log into.
To restore this content, you can run the ‘unminimize’ command.
302 updates can be applied immediately.
260 of these updates are standard security updates.
To see these additional updates run: apt list --upgradable
Is the boot log supposed to be so short?
How do I verify that secure boot with kernel encryption and disc encryption worked?
How do I get a detailed boot log?
I am using putty with 115200, 8 and flow control set to none.
Physically, I have connected the Tx on FTDI adaptor to UART0 Rx (pin4 on P12 of spacely carrier board) Rx to pin2 and Gnd to Gnd. I am leaving all other pins unconnected.