I need to send the image with bbox and other metadata to the custom server

Sorry for the long delay.
There one temporary solution. adding nvvideoconvert component before a component where jpeg encode takes place. Set colorimetry to 601 in the caps of nvvideoconvert.
real fix will be in upcoming release.
attached the patch.
greenoutput.patch (3.0 KB)
I verified on my side, the green output issue gone.
cd /opt/nvidia/deepstream/deepstream-5.1/sources/apps/sample_apps/deepstream-image-meta-test
sudo patch -p0 < ~/greenoutput.patch
sudo su
export CUDA_VER=10.2
./deepstream-image-meta-test file:///home/nvidia/luma1080p_sample.mp4

Please test on your side and feedback. thanks.

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