Implementation of Thrust Sort By Key for Multi-values (CUDA Fortran & CUDA C)

Hi Moderators and Developers:

I want to ask a favor about the computing scheme I’m working on. I have a series of codes that sort the certain arrays according to the keys:

file name:

#include <thrust/device_vector.h>
#include <thrust/device_ptr.h>
#include <thrust/sort.h>

extern "C" {
        void sort_int_wrapper(int *data, int *value, int N)
                thrust::device_ptr<int> dev_ptr_data(data);
                thrust::device_ptr<int> dev_ptr_value(value);
                thrust::sort_by_key(dev_ptr_data, dev_ptr_data + N, dev_ptr_value);

file name: thrust_module.f90

module thrust
        interface thrustsort
               subroutine sort_int(input, value, N) bind(C,name='sort_int_wrapper')
                     use iso_c_binding
                     integer(c_int),device :: input(*), value(*)
                     integer(c_int),value :: N
               end subroutine
       end interface
end module

and the main file name: test_sort.f90 (main)

program testsort
           use thrust
           integer, allocatable :: cpuData(:), cpuData1(:), cpuData2(:), cpuData3(:)
           integer, allocatable, device :: gpuData(:), gpuData1(:), gpuData2(:), gpuData3(:)
           integer, allocatable, device :: tmpData(:)
           integer :: N = 100
           allocate(cpuData(N)); allocate(cpuData1(N)); allocate(cpuData2(N))
           allocate(gpuData(N)); allocate(gpuData1(N)); allocate(gpuData2(N))
           do i = 1, N
                cpuData(i) = int(random(i)*10 + random(i)*100)
           end do
           do i = 1, N
                cpuData1(i) = int(random(i)*7 + random(i)*2)
                cpuData2(i) = int(random(i)*8 + random(i)*3)
                cpuData3(i) = int(random(i)*9 + random(i)*4)
           end do
           gpuData = cpuData; tmpData = gpuData
           gpuData1 = cpuData1; gpuData2 = cpuData2; gpuData = cpuData3
           call thrustsort(gpuData, gpuData1, N)
           gpuData = tmpData
           call thrustsort(gpuData, gpuData2, N)
           gpuData = tmpData
           call thrustsort(gpuData, gpuData3, N)
end program

As you can see, the function sort_by_key in Thrust can only sort one array at one time. But I have three arrays, therefore I create the temperory array to store the initial key and do the sort operation three times in the Fortran main code. It costs much time on the repeated sort process and data transferring. Is there any possible approach that avoiding these redundant treatment? Thank you guys for offering the suggestions.

Create a list of indices from 0 to N-1, and sort it by keys thrustsort(gpuData, indexlist, N). Then use the sorted indices to reorder the values. sortedvalues[i] = values[indexlist[i]]

In c++, this would just be another thrust call.

    indexlist + N
    thrust::make_zip_iterator(values1, values2, values2),
    thrust::make_zip_iterator(sortedvalues1, sortedvalues2, sortedvalues3)

Hi striker. It is an insteresting idea. After checking the document of Thrust, I come up with the idea that can it directly be organized as like:

thrust::sort_by_key(keys, keys + N, thrust::make_zip_iterator(value1, value2, value3))

Could it be reasonable?

Yes, this will work as well.
Sorting directly may require more memory if thrust materializes the value tuples prior to sorting (I am not sure). But if the arrays are only a few MB, this should not be an issue.