Installing TensorRT 8.4

Hi there,

I am trying to install TensorRT 8.4 on my 2GB Jetson Nano Developer Kit, it’s currently running Ubuntu 18.04, Cuda 10.2, and TensorRT 8.2. According to the TensorRT download page, the only file available for Ubuntu 18.04 and Cuda 10.2 is for x86_64 Architecture, which contradicts the ARM architecture of the Jetson Nano.

I was wondering if there’s any way that I can install TensorRT 8.4 on the Jetson Nano? Thanks in advance.


For Jetson Nano, the latest software is JetPack 4.6.4 and TensorRT 8.2.
The upgradable TensorRT is only available for the JetPack 6 users, and cannot be applied to Jetson Nano.


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