Integration of Isaac ROS and Isaac Sim when both are on different machines

I want to integrate isaac ROS and isaac SIM, where ROS is running on Jetson Orin AGX device and SIM can run on x86_64 machine only.

I am going through this documentation to enable the ROS 2 Bridge in Omniverse Isaac Sim:
Since, isaac ROS is running on Jetson device and isaac SIM will run on x86_64 machine, can you please help me understand how they ll be connected from two different machines?

In the link mentioned above, I could not find any step on how to integrate with these components being on two systems.

Any inputs regarding this issue will be appreciated.


Hi @ashima

These two machines must be share the same network and must be reachable each other.

If you are working with Isaac ROS on docker using our script in Isaac ROS Common — isaac_ros_docs documentation all ros node (when started) will be also available outside the container and on your host.

From your remote x86 machine if you installed ROS 2 Humble directly on your machine, you can check if the ROS 2 packages running on your Jetson are available with the command:

ros2 topic list

Such an example we made a demo like test test you want to make Simulate and Localize a Husky Robot with NVIDIA Isaac | NVIDIA Technical Blog where we show how to use Isaac ROS vlsam and Isaac ROS nvblox running in a Jetson and connected in a demo with a Husrky robot on Isaac Si,
