Is Isaac depreciated?


It looks like there is no ongoing effort to keep Isaac up to date or add new features. Is Issac being sunsetted? It’s concerning for us developers as we do not want to continue working on a base that will be going away. Do you recommend moving to ROS 2?

Please don’t look at this these questions negatively, we just want straight answers, it’s getting very hard to stay on such an outdated system, and are trying to decide if it’s time to move to a new base for our projects.

Thank you.


Isaac includes Isaac GEMs for both NVIDIA’s Isaac SDK Engine (Isaac SDK 2021.1) and ROS2 (Isaac ROS DP). Isaac ROS has been more recently updated to contribute hardware acceleration to the growing ROS ecosystem. You can choose whichever one is more suitable for your project.

Hemels - I suspect the question is whether there is any active development within Nvidia on specifically the Isaac SDK (Engine) and whether a update to the Isaac SDK is going to be released this year (or whether it has been quietly deprecated). There are obviously multiple development teams out there that have invested in their developments based on using Isaac SDK that all have concerns about whether it has a valid future roadmap, or whether they need to think about migration to ROS2. If Isaac SDK can’t be used on Orin’s etc, (because it hasn’t been updated for so long) then that represents a real question mark on the viability of continuing development based on using the Isaac SDK engine. I echo Fedoralabs comment about not necessarily wanting to have to migrate but silence / non-answers that avoid giving an update on the status of Isaac SDK is not helping people keep faith with using the Isaac SDK engine ongoing.