Is my bandwidth calculation right? bandwidth

In BestPracticeGuide, it says

Effective bandwidth = (( Br + Bw ) / 10^9) / time

Theoretical Bandwidth = ( clockRate * 10^6 * (bitwidth/8) * 2 ) / 10^9

so my GTX260 216sp 's theoretical bandwidth is

( 1175 * 10^6 * (448/8) * 2) / 10^9 = 131.6 GB/s

In practice, my effective bandwidth is only 1.832 GB/s, is that too small?

[codebox] #define z_uint8 unsigned char

#define z_float32 float

#define z_int32 int

#define N 1024

#define R 1.23456789

// global var

z_uint8 G_Input[N*N];

z_uint8 G_Output[int(N*R)int(NR)];

z_float32 G_Input2[N*N];

z_float32 G_Output2[int(N*R)int(NR)];


cudaEvent_t start, stop;

float time;



cudaEventRecord( start, 0 );

z_int32 size1 = NN, size2 = int(NR)int(NR), size3 = int(N*R);

z_float32* d_dest;

z_float32* d_src;

cudaMalloc( (void**)&d_src, size1 * sizeof(z_float32) );

cudaMalloc( (void**)&d_dest, size2 * sizeof(z_float32) );

for(z_int32 i = 0; i < size1; i++) G_Input2[i] = z_float32(G_Input[i]);

z_int32 iter = 10;

for(int i =0; i<iter;i++)


cudaMemcpy( d_src, G_Input2, size1 * sizeof(z_float32), cudaMemcpyHostToDevice);

cudaMemcpy( G_Output2, d_dest, size2 * sizeof(z_float32), cudaMemcpyDeviceToHost);


for(z_int32 i = 0; i < size2; i++) G_Output[i] = z_uint8(G_Output2[i]);

cudaFree( d_dest );

cudaFree( d_src );

cudaEventRecord( stop, 0 );

cudaEventSynchronize( stop );

cudaEventElapsedTime( &time, start, stop );

cudaEventDestroy( start );

cudaEventDestroy( stop );

printf(“Gpu time: %f miliseconds. \n”, time );

printf(“Gpu bandwidth: %f Gflops. \n”, (size1+size2)sizeof(z_float32)/1e6/timeiter );


i know that the first Bandwidth is between device memory and GPU, and the second Bandwidth is between
Host and Device memory.

so my peak rate is 250 MB/s * 16 = 4 GB/s (PCIE1.0 x16)

Now another question, is the GTX260 using PCIE1.0 or 2.0?

no, Theoretical Bandwidth = ( clockRate * 10^6 * (bitwidth/8) * 2 ) / 10^9

means transfer rate among device memory.

However your code does not measure bandwidth of device memory, you measure

  1. data transfer between host memory
for(z_int32 i = 0; i < size1; i++) G_Input2[i] = z_float32(G_Input[i]);


for(z_int32 i = 0; i < size2; i++) G_Output[i] = z_uint8(G_Output2[i]);

this depends on FSB, and how many cores you use. you use only one core, so

bandwidth is about 2GB/s

  1. transfer between host memory and device memory
cudaMemcpy( d_src, G_Input2, size1 * sizeof(z_float32), cudaMemcpyHostToDevice);

cudaMemcpy( G_Output2, d_dest, size2 * sizeof(z_float32), cudaMemcpyDeviceToHost);

this depends on PCI express, roughly speaking, bandwidth is 1.7~2.5 GB/s for non-pinned memory

in my machine (ASUS P5Q PRO).

you must write a kernel function to measure bandwidth of device memory, for example, data copy

Thank you very much!!

In fact, i realize it myself later. :)