Issues setting up Jetracer with the latest release image

Here is a workaround for the installation of the latest Jetracer release that has worked for me:

  1. Burn JP 4.5.1 onto a micro SD card and complete the setup using the Ubuntu Desktop.
  2. From a SSH terminal run sudo apt-get update -y followed by sudo apt-get upgrade -y and then a reboot.
  3. From a SSH terminal clone and install Jetcard using Option2 Step 2.
  4. From a SSH terminal clone and install Jetcam and Jetracer (don’t use sudo with clone) per Step 5 in the Jetracer installation guide, but don’t clone and install torch2trt as the Jetcard installation has already installed it.
  5. You may get a message that Jupyter needs to build/install additional software when you first run the “basic_motion” notebook, however the install will fail as permission is denied. So note the build command and use a SSH terminal prefacing the command with “sudo” to get the build to complete.

Following the above steps I found that I could now save the notebooks without a denial of permission.
