JetRacer Image Won't Work

I’ve been trying, for two days, and have been unsuccess in flashing a working SD card for the JetRacer. This image, jetcard_v0p0p0.img has been flashed several times, however connecting by a mini USB cable and putting in either Safari or Chrome on an iMac, nothing happens. This SD card works when flashed with Jetpack 4.4. I was able to successfully flash the image a couple months ago, put reused that card from something else. Any help would be appreciated.


I’ve tried to create JetCard from scratch following the instructions on Github -GitHub - NVIDIA-AI-IOT/jetcard: An SD card image for web programming AI projects with NVIDIA Jetson Nano. When entering the last command - ./ , the following trace shows the error in the last line. Any help would be appreciated.

chuck.docx (12.9 KB)

I have some problems I think this is something to do with bootloader when you update to 4.4 or higher,

There is a 4.5.1 variable for download but I could not get it to work properly too…