Jetson AGX Orin 35.2.1 Link FPGA Checkerboard color deviation

Hi nvidia team:
I use Orin I4t version is:R35.3.1, To debug FPGA on Checkerboard, get the video color deviation. next picture

And the FPGA on other platform is

please help me what wrong I do?


on my dts model0 is

dynamic_pixel_bit_depth = “12”;
csi_pixel_bit_depth = “12”;
//dynamic_pixel_bit_depth = “16”;
//csi_pixel_bit_depth = “16”;
mode_type = “bayer”;
pixel_phase = “rggb”;
//mode_type = “yuv”;
//pixel_phase = “uyvy”;

                active_w = "1920";            
                active_h = "1080";            
                readout_orientation = "0";    
                line_length = "2200";         
                inherent_gain = "1";          
                mclk_multiplier = "2";        
                //1.5*1024 * 2 *4lanw/12      
                pix_clk_hz = "1000000000"; //raw12
                //pix_clk_hz = "768000000";    //YUV422

when I use YUV422, video is right.

hello Harrison_zhu,

it looks like incorrect format types has used for debayer the content.
could you please check $ v4l2-ctl -d /dev/video0 --list-formats-ext for sensor supported formats.
besides, you may also share the pipeline you’re used to dump the frames.

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