For a sample application in deepstream:
source30_1080p_dec_infer-resnet_tiled_display_int8 : Demonstrates 30 stream decodes with primary inferencing
For a file sample_1080p_h264.mp4
Detector only: Resnet18 (960 × 544) Batchsize 30 int8
PERF: FPS 0 (Avg) FPS 1 (Avg) FPS 2 (Avg) FPS 3 (Avg) FPS 4 (Avg) FPS 5 (Avg) FPS 6 (Avg) FPS 7 (Avg) FPS 8 (Avg) FPS 9 (Avg) FPS 10 (Avg) FPS 11 (Avg) FPS 12 (Avg) FPS 13 (Avg) FPS 14 (Avg) FPS 15 (Avg) FPS 16 (Avg) FPS 17 (Avg) FPS 18 (Avg) FPS 19 (Avg) FPS 20 (Avg) FPS 21 (Avg) FPS 22 (Avg) FPS 23 (Avg) FPS 24 (Avg) FPS 25 (Avg) FPS 26 (Avg) FPS 27 (Avg) FPS 28 (Avg) FPS 29 (Avg)
PERF: 15.91 (15.60) 15.55 (15.61) 15.76 (15.59) 15.76 (15.59) 15.83 (15.58) 15.62 (15.59) 15.62 (15.61) 15.83 (15.58) 15.82 (15.60) 15.83 (15.61) 15.62 (15.59) 15.66 (15.58) 15.91 (15.60) 15.86 (15.61) 15.62 (15.61) 15.66 (15.61) 15.76 (15.59) 15.83 (15.59) 15.62 (15.61) 15.83 (15.58) 15.62 (15.59) 15.74 (15.62) 15.62 (15.61) 15.83 (15.59) 15.83 (15.61) 15.91 (15.59) 15.91 (15.59) 15.66 (15.58) 15.83 (15.58) 15.62 (15.59)
05-27-2024 14:54:31 RAM 12430/62841MB (lfb 2x4MB) SWAP 0/31421MB (cached 0MB) CPU [10%@2201,4%@2201,2%@2201,4%@2201,3%@2201,11%@2201,7%@2201,4%@2201,4%@2201,4%@2201,8%@2201,4%@2201] GR3D_FREQ 47% cpu@45.781C tboard@32.75C soc2@42.468C tdiode@35C soc0@42.812C gpu@43.25C tj@45.781C soc1@41.281C VDD_GPU_SOC 16051mW/16749mW VDD_CPU_CV 2407mW/2407mW VIN_SYS_5V0 5966mW/6092mW VDDQ_VDD2_1V8AO 2221mW/2271mW
05-27-2024 14:54:32 RAM 12430/62841MB (lfb 2x4MB) SWAP 0/31421MB (cached 0MB) CPU [12%@2201,4%@2201,4%@2201,6%@2201,7%@2201,11%@2201,6%@2201,4%@2201,4%@2201,4%@2201,9%@2201,7%@2201] GR3D_FREQ 58% cpu@45.843C tboard@32.75C soc2@42.468C tdiode@35.25C soc0@42.906C gpu@43.156C tj@45.875C soc1@41.25C VDD_GPU_SOC 16452mW/16690mW VDD_CPU_CV 2407mW/2407mW VIN_SYS_5V0 5966mW/6067mW VDDQ_VDD2_1V8AO 2221mW/2261mW
05-27-2024 14:54:33 RAM 12430/62841MB (lfb 2x4MB) SWAP 0/31421MB (cached 0MB) CPU [10%@2201,5%@2201,4%@2201,5%@2201,8%@2201,12%@2201,3%@2201,4%@2201,4%@2201,4%@2201,13%@2201,3%@2201] GR3D_FREQ 27% cpu@45.937C tboard@32.75C soc2@42.562C tdiode@35.25C soc0@43.031C gpu@43.281C tj@46.062C soc1@41.281C VDD_GPU_SOC 16853mW/16717mW VDD_CPU_CV 2407mW/2407mW VIN_SYS_5V0 6168mW/6083mW VDDQ_VDD2_1V8AO 2322mW/2271mW
05-27-2024 14:54:34 RAM 12430/62841MB (lfb 2x4MB) SWAP 0/31421MB (cached 0MB) CPU [11%@2201,4%@2201,4%@2201,3%@2201,7%@2201,10%@2201,3%@2201,4%@2201,6%@2201,4%@2201,5%@2201,13%@2201] GR3D_FREQ 41% cpu@45.875C tboard@32.875C soc2@42.812C tdiode@35.375C soc0@43.187C gpu@44C tj@45.875C soc1@41.343C VDD_GPU_SOC 17248mW/16793mW VDD_CPU_CV 2407mW/2407mW VIN_SYS_5V0 6168mW/6095mW VDDQ_VDD2_1V8AO 2322mW/2278mW
05-27-2024 14:54:35 RAM 12430/62841MB (lfb 2x4MB) SWAP 0/31421MB (cached 0MB) CPU [13%@2201,4%@2201,3%@2201,6%@2201,6%@2201,6%@2201,8%@2201,5%@2201,5%@2201,4%@2201,7%@2201,9%@2201] GR3D_FREQ 79% cpu@46C tboard@32.875C soc2@42.687C tdiode@35.25C soc0@43.25C gpu@43.781C tj@46C soc1@41.312C VDD_GPU_SOC 17255mW/16850mW VDD_CPU_CV 2407mW/2407mW VIN_SYS_5V0 6168mW/6104mW VDDQ_VDD2_1V8AO 2322mW/2284mW
Now if I run the above 2 times. The fps reduces.
PERF: FPS 0 (Avg) FPS 1 (Avg) FPS 2 (Avg) FPS 3 (Avg) FPS 4 (Avg) FPS 5 (Avg) FPS 6 (Avg) FPS 7 (Avg) FPS 8 (Avg) FPS 9 (Avg) FPS 10 (Avg) FPS 11 (Avg) FPS 12 (Avg) FPS 13 (Avg) FPS 14 (Avg) FPS 15 (Avg) FPS 16 (Avg) FPS 17 (Avg) FPS 18 (Avg) FPS 19 (Avg) FPS 20 (Avg) FPS 21 (Avg) FPS 22 (Avg) FPS 23 (Avg) FPS 24 (Avg) FPS 25 (Avg) FPS 26 (Avg) FPS 27 (Avg) FPS 28 (Avg) FPS 29 (Avg)
PERF: 7.80 (7.80) 7.80 (7.78) 7.80 (7.80) 7.80 (7.78) 7.80 (7.79) 7.80 (7.79) 7.82 (7.78) 7.80 (7.79) 7.80 (7.79) 8.00 (7.79) 7.80 (7.79) 7.82 (7.78) 7.80 (7.78) 7.82 (7.78) 7.82 (7.78) 7.80 (7.80) 7.80 (7.80) 7.82 (7.78) 7.80 (7.79) 7.82 (7.78) 7.80 (7.78) 7.80 (7.80) 7.80 (7.79) 7.80 (7.79) 7.80 (7.79) 7.80 (7.79) 7.80 (7.79) 7.80 (7.79) 7.80 (7.79) 7.80 (7.79)
The power of the board is set to max.
sudo nvpmodel -m 0
sudo jetson_clocks
Orin video decoder only supports 1x 4K60 | 2x 4K30 | 5x 1080p60 | 11x 1080p30 (H.264) : Source
Can the above be the isssue?