Jetson Nano 2GB development kit 4k video play back question


I am so happy to received my Jetson Nano 2GB development kit and I already started using it.
But I have a question regarding the 4k video playback.
I downloaded two 4k demo video to try out my Jetson Nano.
#1 demo file with 299 mb MPEG-4 video file (video duration 1 minute 23 seconds) and it plays back with mpv media player without any issue.
#2 demo file with 1.6 gb Matroska video file (video duration 2 minutes 23 seconds) and it plays back with mpv media player with some delay both on video and sound.

What is the limit of 4k video play back with Jetson Nano 2gb development kit?

Not sure if hardware decoding is enabled in mpv media player. Please run the gstreamer pipeline and check if the issue exists:

$ gst-launch-1.0 uridecodebin uri=file:///home/nvidia/a.mp4 ! nvvidconv ! 'video/x-raw(memory:NVMM),width=1920,height=1080' ! nvoverlaysink

For more sample pipelines, please take a look at: