Jetson Xavier NX L4T 35.1 suppress bootloader messages on THS0

Hi h.andreesen,

Are you using the devkit or custom board?

You could refer to the following thread to disable Combined UART uage.
Repurpose Debug UART for 'normal' comms on Xavier NX - #6 by JerryChang

The printed logs are from UEFI and Kernel.
You might need to re-build both image to remove them.

UEFI: edk2/BdsEntry.c at main-edk2-stable202208 · NVIDIA/edk2 · GitHub

UEFI: edk2-nvidia/L4TLauncher.c at main · NVIDIA/edk2-nvidia · GitHub

Kernel: kernel/kernel-5.10/drivers/firmware/efi/libstub/efi-stub.c

You could refer to the following instruction for re-building.