I’ve got a CUDA C/C++ code that launch a kernel with 512threads per blocks and 72498037 blocks. But there is a problem… When I launche my code, it run for approximately 15min and… Then blackscreen + driver problem and the program stop.
I set de Watchdog timer to an hour (3600s) So I think the problem does not come from here.
I run cuda-memcheck and I didn’t notice any memory error.
I check error from CUDA function like follow :
defined like :
# define gpuErrchk(ans) { gpuAssert((ans), __FILE__, __LINE__); }
inline void gpuAssert(cudaError_t code, const char *file, int line, bool abort = true)
if (code != cudaSuccess)
printf("GPUassert: %s %s %d\n", cudaGetErrorString(code), file, line);
In main function my code is like :
int main(void)
cudaMalloc -> pass
cudaMalloc -> pass
cudaMalloc -> pass
cudaMalloc -> pass
cudaMemcpy -> pass
cudaMemcpy -> pass
kernel <<< 614, 1024 >>> -> pass
cudaStreamQuery -> pass
cudaGetLastError -> pass
cudaMemcpy -> pass
otherkernel <<< 72498037 ,512 >>> -> pass
cudaStreamQuery -> pass
//cudaDeviceSynchronize -> GPUassert: unknown error "path to the main.cu"
cudaGetLastError -> pass
cudaFree -> GPUassert: unknown error "path to the main.cu"
cudaFree -> exited
cudaFree -> exited
cudaFree -> exited
return (0);
If I add the commented line to the main function I get the error on this line, if not on the first free.
After the error the code exit.
So… What’s happening ?
And an other thing, I cannot launch 1024 threads on the second kernel… Don’t know why, so I’ll try to reinstall cudaToolkit and driver. And see if it works