If you are compiling natively, you’d skip the “ARCH=...
”, but during cross compile, not only would you use that, you’d also have to name the toolchain. An example (change depending on release and toolchain):
export TEGRA_KERNEL_OUT=~/nvidia/mykernel
export CROSS_COMPILE=/usr/bin/aarch64-linux-gnu-
export ARCH=arm64
If you are cross compiling, did you skip CROSS_COMPILE=
? If you are native compiling, be sure to not use ARCH=
This is old and a bit out of date, but here is a long and detailed talk on compiling the kernel:
Keep in mind that if this works, then you can save your “$TEGRA_KERNEL_OUT/.config
”, completely wipe out the “$TEGRA_KERNEL_OUT
” content, recreate this, copy your saved “.config
”, and start again, but use an editor to then make your modifications. The trick is to know that the tegra_defconfig
worked once, and after modification of that config, to use a clean output directory (other than your starting .config
If tegra_defconfig
fails again, and if you are using the supplied toolchain in cross compile without any config modifications, then post the full compile log.
Note that if you use three backquote characters (the “`” character at the upper left of the keyboard) on a forum line, add content below this, and then add three more backquote characters, that it will preserve whitespace and add scrollbars even for long quotes. Like:
…log paste…
(I escaped the backquotes, but if you paste a log between those two lines without escape characters, then it will format nicely)