Launching multiple subroutines to in parallel

Consider the following program:


	use declare_variables
	implicit none
	call CPU_TIME(start_time)

	! ------------------------------
	DO WHILE (time < t_end)
		call Compute_Prims()		
		call Compute_Conservs()
		time = time + time_step
		call CPU_TIME(end_time)
		print*, time, end_time-start_time
	! ------------------------------
	call CPU_TIME(end_time)
	print*, 'Total wall clock time taken = ', end_time-start_time, 'secs'


Is it possible to launch the subroutines “Compute_Prims” and “Compute_Conservs” in parallel. I have tried something like this but it dint work (showed errors).

!$acc async(1)
call Compute_Prims()
!$acc async(2)
call Compute_Conservs()

!$acc wait

“aynsc” needs to be added to a compute or data directive so can’t be used like this. Though assuming these subroutines contain OpenACC compute regions, putting an async clause on them will have the host process continue after the kernel is launched on the device. So while you wont be using multiple CPU threads, the host will progress and launch the second kernel while the first is running.