Looking for Age and Gender Classification Models for DeepStream Pipeline

Hi everyone,

I’m working on a project using NVIDIA DeepStream and need suggestions for models that can classify age and gender from video streams.

Are there any pre-trained models you'd recommend for this?
Any tips on integrating these models with DeepStream for real-time applications?

Thanks for any advice!

We don’t have models trained as age and gender classifiers. But there are some classifier models in TAO toolkit, you may try to choose one and train the model to classify the age and gender. TAO Toolkit | NVIDIA Developer

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Thanks for your help!

Can you let me know how to use the NvDsFaceObject plugin and how can I get age and gender info from it?


There is no NvDsFaceObject plugin. What are you talking about? Have you already got the classifier model which can inference age and gender?

I haven’t found a suitable model in the TAO Toolkit yet. If you have any recommendations or resources, I’d really appreciate it!

NVIDIA DeepStream SDK API Reference: NvDsFaceObject Struct Reference is just a data struct. It is a part of the customized broker message meta. Gst-nvmsgconv — DeepStream documentation 6.4 documentation. It has nothing to do with your requirement.

Please consult in Latest Intelligent Video Analytics/TAO Toolkit topics - NVIDIA Developer Forums forum for how to choose TAO model for your purpose.

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