Matrix multiplication performance


I would like to confirm that the performance of matrix multiplication using cublas is dominated by host <–> device memory transfer. More specifically:

A is 172974x241
B is 241x3
(C is 172974x3)

VS profiler results:

A (in my case) is already on the device
cublasAlloc + cublasSetMatrix of B 0.6%
cublasAlloc of C <0.1%
cublasSgemm 0.1%
cublasGetMatrix of C 1.2%
cublasFree of B 0.1%
cublasFree of C 0.3%

My video card (laptop) is nvidia quadro 3000m.

Does this make sense to you?


// Compute C = B*A, where A is already on device, B is on host and the result should be 
// uploaded to host data at C. B is m x k, A is k x n, and C is m x n.
template<class T>
bool multMatrixOnDeviceRight(T* d_A, T* h_B, T* h_C, int m, int n, int k)

	// Upload h_B to d_B
	T* d_B = NULL;
	cublasStatus blasStat = cublasAlloc(m*k, sizeof(T), (void**)&d_B);
	if ( blasStat != CUBLAS_STATUS_SUCCESS ) {
		cout << "GPU device memory allocation failed!" << endl;
		return false;
	blasStat = cublasSetMatrix(m, k, sizeof(T), h_B, m, d_B, m);

	// Alloc d_C
	T* d_C = NULL;
	blasStat = cublasAlloc(m*n, sizeof(T), (void**)&d_C);
	if ( blasStat != CUBLAS_STATUS_SUCCESS ) {
		cout << "GPU device memory allocation failed!" << endl;
		return false;

	if ( blasStat != CUBLAS_STATUS_SUCCESS ) {
		cout << "GPU data download failed!" << endl;
		d_B = NULL;
		return false;

	// mult matrices on GPU
	if ( sizeof(T) == 4 )
		cublasSgemm('N', 'N', m, n, k, 1.0f, (float*)d_B, m, (float*)d_A, k, 0.0f, (float*)d_C, m);
		cublasDgemm('N', 'N', m, n, k, 1.0f, (double*)d_B, m, (double*)d_A, k, 0.0f, (double*)d_C, m);

	// upload the result back to CPU
	blasStat = cublasGetMatrix(m, n, sizeof(T), d_C, m, h_C, m);
	if ( blasStat != CUBLAS_STATUS_SUCCESS )	{
		cout << "Data upload from GPU to CPU failed!" << endl;
		d_C = NULL;
		return false;
	if ( d_B )	{
		d_B = NULL;
	if ( d_C )	{
		d_C = NULL;
	return true;

I think the quadro is really a GPU intended for visualization, and has a PCI-e 2.0 limit.

A more general(but related) question is;

Is there an inherent advantage to using the ‘cublasAlloc()’ and related cublas* memory functions when compared to the more standard cudaMalloc() and cudaMemcpy() functions?

I generally uses cudaMalloc() etc and seem to have very fast memory transfer times(using PCIe 2.0 x8, uggh).

Are those cublas memory calls just wrappers or something more efficient?