Can someone explain the general limitation of 2 M10’s per server. Is it a BIOS issue, RAM, CPU, what is the limitation. If I have a server that can fit 6 GPU’s per server what is the rational behind only supporting 2 per server?
We are using a SuperMicro SYS-2028GR-TRHT, which have enough slots for 6 GPU’s and currently running 4 K2’s per server without issue.
looking to move to the M10-2Q profile and would like to get better density than 32 users per server (32GB per M10 / 2GB per VM) x 2 M10 boards.
I would think the number of available slots, power, and cooling would be the main limiting factors. Currently,you also cannot/should not mix GPU models (like an M10 and an M60) on the same server.