Memory Access Error with C++ Parallel Algorithm on NVIDIA HPC SDK, but not with CUDA

Hello everyone
I’m trying to convert the CUDA multigpu code to C++ standard parallel code. The compiler I use is NVIDIA HPC SDK version 22.7. One of the steps is to change the CUDA kernel function to std::for_each_n(). I encountered some illegal memory access bugs during this step.
As shown in the code below:

template <typename Func>
void exec_gpu(int nx, int ny, int nz, Func func)
    const int i = blockIdx.x * blockDim.x + threadIdx.x;
    const int j = blockIdx.y * blockDim.y + threadIdx.y;
    const int k = blockIdx.z * blockDim.z + threadIdx.z;

    if (i < nx && j < ny && k < nz) {
        func(i, j, k);

template <typename Func>
void exec(bool use_cuda, int nx, int ny, int nz, Func func)
    if (use_cuda) {
        dim3 threads(64, 2, 1);
        dim3 blocks((nx + threads.x - 1) / threads.x,
                    (ny + threads.y - 1) / threads.y,
                    (nz + threads.z - 1) / threads.z);

        exec_gpu<<<blocks, threads, 0>>>(nx, ny, nz, func);
    } else {
		std::for_each_n(std::execution::par_unseq, thrust::counting_iterator<int>(0), nx*ny*nz, [=](int c){
		    const int k = c / (nx*ny);
			const int j = (c - k*nx*ny) / nx;
			const int i = c - k*nx*ny - j*nx;
			func(i, j, k);

The func(i, j, k) is a simple stencil computation code. When the data size is small, such as 256x256x1024, both the C++ and CUDA code work well. However, when the data size is increased to 704x704x2560, only the CUDA code works. If I execute the C++ standard parallel algorithm, the following error message pops up.

terminate called after throwing an instance of 'thrust::system::system_error'
  what():  for_each: failed to synchronize: cudaErrorIllegalAddress: an illegal memory access was encountered

Does anyone have any suggestions for this bug? Your help would be much appreciated.

Hi shujuancanpian,

Do you have reproducing example you can share?

In particular I want to see what “func” is. This seems like you’re passing in an address to a host function.


Hello MatColgrove, thank you very much for your reply
Here is the example:

#include <mpi.h>
#include <iostream>
#include <cmath>
#include <numeric>
#include <algorithm>

#include <execution>
#include <thrust/iterator/counting_iterator.h>

#include "lbm_d2q9.h"

template <typename Func>
void exec(bool use_gpu, int n, Func func)
    std::for_each_n(std::execution::par_unseq, thrust::counting_iterator<int>(0), n, [=](int i){

template <typename FLOAT>
void fill(bool use_gpu, int n, FLOAT *f, double value)
    exec(use_gpu, n, [=](int i) {
            f[i] = (FLOAT)value;

template <typename FLOAT>
int run()
    int nprocs = 1;
    int rank   = 0;
    MPI_Comm_size(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &nprocs);
    MPI_Comm_rank(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &rank);

    int max_ngpus = 0;
    cudaSetDevice(rank % max_ngpus);

    // global
    const int mgn0 = 3; 
    const int nx0  = 800;//if you change the value from 800 to 80000, the memory access error will happen.
    const int ny0  = 800;
    const int lnx0 = nx0 + 2*mgn0;
    const int lny0 = ny0 + 2*mgn0;
    const int mgn = mgn0;
    const int nx  = nx0;
    const int ny  = ny0;
    const int lnx = nx + 2*mgn;
    const int lny = ny + 2*mgn;
    const int ln  = lnx*lny;

    FLOAT *f   = nullptr;
    FLOAT *r   = nullptr;
    FLOAT *u   = nullptr;
    FLOAT *v   = nullptr;

        f   = new FLOAT[ln*lbm_d2q9::NQ];
        r   = new FLOAT[ln];
        u   = new FLOAT[ln];
        v   = new FLOAT[ln];
    fill(true, ln*lbm_d2q9::NQ, f , 0.0);
    fill(true, ln, r, 0.0);
    fill(true, ln, u, 0.0);
    fill(true, ln, v, 0.0);
    lbm_d2q9::rho_velocity_to_lbm_vdf(true, nx, ny, mgn, r, u, v, f);

        delete [] f;
        delete [] r;
        delete [] u;
        delete [] v;

    f   = nullptr;
    r   = nullptr;
    u   = nullptr;
    v   = nullptr;
    return 0;


int main(int argc, char **argv)
    MPI_Init(&argc, &argv);

    int nprocs = 1;
    int rank   = 0;
    MPI_Comm_size(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &nprocs);
    MPI_Comm_rank(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &rank);


    return 0;    

If you change the data size from 800x800 to 80000x80000, the illegal memory access error will happen.
Next is

#include "lbm_d2q9.h"

namespace lbm_d2q9 {

//                                0    1  2   3   4    5   6   7   8
constexpr int exs[]            = {0,   1, 0, -1,  0,   1, -1, -1,  1 };
constexpr int eys[]            = {0,   0, 1,  0, -1,   1,  1, -1, -1 };
constexpr unsigned int odirs[] = {0,   3, 4,  1,  2,   7,  8,  5,  6 };

namespace {
constexpr int ex(unsigned int id) { return exs[id]; }

constexpr int ey(unsigned int id) { return eys[id]; }

constexpr float w(unsigned int id) { return id == 0 ? 4.0/9.0 :
                                            id <= 4 ? 1.0/9.0 :
                                                      1.0/36.0; }
template <unsigned int ID, typename FLOAT>
FLOAT cdot(FLOAT u, FLOAT v) { return ex(ID)*u + ey(ID)*v; }

template <unsigned int ID, typename FLOAT>
FLOAT cdot2(FLOAT u, FLOAT v) { return cdot<ID>(u, v) * cdot<ID>(u, v); }
template <typename FLOAT>
void lbm_feq(FLOAT rho, FLOAT u, FLOAT v, FLOAT feq[])
    const FLOAT vel2 = u*u + v*v;

    feq[ 0] = w(0) * rho * (1.0 + 3.0*cdot<0>(u, v) + 4.5*cdot2<0>(u, v) - 1.5*vel2);

    feq[ 1] = w(1) * rho * (1.0 + 3.0*cdot<1>(u, v) + 4.5*cdot2<1>(u, v) - 1.5*vel2);
    feq[ 2] = w(2) * rho * (1.0 + 3.0*cdot<2>(u, v) + 4.5*cdot2<2>(u, v) - 1.5*vel2);
    feq[ 3] = w(3) * rho * (1.0 + 3.0*cdot<3>(u, v) + 4.5*cdot2<3>(u, v) - 1.5*vel2);
    feq[ 4] = w(4) * rho * (1.0 + 3.0*cdot<4>(u, v) + 4.5*cdot2<4>(u, v) - 1.5*vel2);
    feq[ 5] = w(5) * rho * (1.0 + 3.0*cdot<5>(u, v) + 4.5*cdot2<5>(u, v) - 1.5*vel2);
    feq[ 6] = w(6) * rho * (1.0 + 3.0*cdot<6>(u, v) + 4.5*cdot2<6>(u, v) - 1.5*vel2);
    feq[ 7] = w(7) * rho * (1.0 + 3.0*cdot<7>(u, v) + 4.5*cdot2<7>(u, v) - 1.5*vel2);
    feq[ 8] = w(8) * rho * (1.0 + 3.0*cdot<8>(u, v) + 4.5*cdot2<8>(u, v) - 1.5*vel2);

} // namespace

template <typename Func>
void exec(bool use_gpu, int nx, int ny, Func func)
    std::for_each_n(std::execution::par_unseq, thrust::counting_iterator<int>(0), nx*ny, [=](int c){
        const int j = c / nx;
        const int i = c - j*nx;
        func(i, j);

template <typename FLOAT>
void rho_velocity_to_lbm_vdf(bool use_gpu, int nx, int ny, int mgn, const FLOAT *r, const FLOAT *u, const FLOAT *v, FLOAT *f)
    const int lnx = nx + 2*mgn;
    const int lny = ny + 2*mgn;
    const int ln  = lnx*lny;
    exec(use_gpu, lnx, lny, [=]   (int i, int j) {

            FLOAT feq[NQ];

            const int ix = i + j*lnx;

            lbm_feq(r[ix], u[ix], v[ix], feq);
            for (unsigned int l=0; l<NQ; l++) {
                f[ln*l + ix] = feq[l];

#define FUNC(FLOAT) \
template \
void rho_velocity_to_lbm_vdf(bool use_gpu, int nx, int ny, int mgn, const FLOAT *r, const FLOAT *u, const FLOAT *v, FLOAT *f)

#undef FUNC

} // namespace lbm_d2q9

the last one is lbm_d2q9.h

#include "lbm_d2q9.h"

namespace lbm_d2q9 {

//                                0    1  2   3   4    5   6   7   8
constexpr int exs[]            = {0,   1, 0, -1,  0,   1, -1, -1,  1 };
constexpr int eys[]            = {0,   0, 1,  0, -1,   1,  1, -1, -1 };
constexpr unsigned int odirs[] = {0,   3, 4,  1,  2,   7,  8,  5,  6 };

namespace {
constexpr int ex(unsigned int id) { return exs[id]; }

constexpr int ey(unsigned int id) { return eys[id]; }

constexpr float w(unsigned int id) { return id == 0 ? 4.0/9.0 :
                                            id <= 4 ? 1.0/9.0 :
                                                      1.0/36.0; }
template <unsigned int ID, typename FLOAT>
FLOAT cdot(FLOAT u, FLOAT v) { return ex(ID)*u + ey(ID)*v; }

template <unsigned int ID, typename FLOAT>
FLOAT cdot2(FLOAT u, FLOAT v) { return cdot<ID>(u, v) * cdot<ID>(u, v); }
template <typename FLOAT>
void lbm_feq(FLOAT rho, FLOAT u, FLOAT v, FLOAT feq[])
    const FLOAT vel2 = u*u + v*v;

    feq[ 0] = w(0) * rho * (1.0 + 3.0*cdot<0>(u, v) + 4.5*cdot2<0>(u, v) - 1.5*vel2);

    feq[ 1] = w(1) * rho * (1.0 + 3.0*cdot<1>(u, v) + 4.5*cdot2<1>(u, v) - 1.5*vel2);
    feq[ 2] = w(2) * rho * (1.0 + 3.0*cdot<2>(u, v) + 4.5*cdot2<2>(u, v) - 1.5*vel2);
    feq[ 3] = w(3) * rho * (1.0 + 3.0*cdot<3>(u, v) + 4.5*cdot2<3>(u, v) - 1.5*vel2);
    feq[ 4] = w(4) * rho * (1.0 + 3.0*cdot<4>(u, v) + 4.5*cdot2<4>(u, v) - 1.5*vel2);
    feq[ 5] = w(5) * rho * (1.0 + 3.0*cdot<5>(u, v) + 4.5*cdot2<5>(u, v) - 1.5*vel2);
    feq[ 6] = w(6) * rho * (1.0 + 3.0*cdot<6>(u, v) + 4.5*cdot2<6>(u, v) - 1.5*vel2);
    feq[ 7] = w(7) * rho * (1.0 + 3.0*cdot<7>(u, v) + 4.5*cdot2<7>(u, v) - 1.5*vel2);
    feq[ 8] = w(8) * rho * (1.0 + 3.0*cdot<8>(u, v) + 4.5*cdot2<8>(u, v) - 1.5*vel2);

} // namespace

template <typename Func>
void exec(bool use_gpu, int nx, int ny, Func func)
    std::for_each_n(std::execution::par_unseq, thrust::counting_iterator<int>(0), nx*ny, [=](int c){
        const int j = c / nx;
        const int i = c - j*nx;
        func(i, j);

template <typename FLOAT>
void rho_velocity_to_lbm_vdf(bool use_gpu, int nx, int ny, int mgn, const FLOAT *r, const FLOAT *u, const FLOAT *v, FLOAT *f)
    const int lnx = nx + 2*mgn;
    const int lny = ny + 2*mgn;
    const int ln  = lnx*lny;
    exec(use_gpu, lnx, lny, [=]   (int i, int j) {

            FLOAT feq[NQ];

            const int ix = i + j*lnx;

            lbm_feq(r[ix], u[ix], v[ix], feq);
            for (unsigned int l=0; l<NQ; l++) {
                f[ln*l + ix] = feq[l];

#define FUNC(FLOAT) \
template \
void rho_velocity_to_lbm_vdf(bool use_gpu, int nx, int ny, int mgn, const FLOAT *r, const FLOAT *u, const FLOAT *v, FLOAT *f)

#undef FUNC

} // namespace lbm_d2q9

The Makefile is:

CC   = nvcc
CXX  = nvc++
GCC  = gcc

RM  = rm -f
MAKEDEPEND = makedepend


include ./

CFLAGS    = -Wall -O3 -I $(MPI_PATH)/include
CXXFLAGS  = -std=c++20 -stdpar=gpu $(CFLAGS) 
GCCFLAGS  = $(CFLAGS) -std=c++17
LDFLAGS   = -L${MPI_PATH}/lib -lmpi

SRCS    =

TARGET = run

OBJS += $(filter %.o,$(SRCS:%.c=%.o))
OBJS += $(filter %.o,$(
OBJS += $(filter %.o,$(SRCS:%.cpp=%.o))
OBJS += $(filter %.o,$(

LDFLAGS += -L $(CUDA_PATH)/lib64 -lcuda -lcudart  

DEPENDENCIES = $(subst .o,.d,$(OBJS))

.PHONY: all
all : $(TARGET)


%.o : %.c
	$(call make-depend,$<,$@,$(subst .o,.d,$@))
	$(CC) $(CFLAGS) $(TARGET_ARCH)-c $<

%.o :
	$(call make-depend,$<,$@,$(subst .o,.d,$@))

%.o : %.cpp
	$(call make-depend,$<,$@,$(subst .o,.d,$@))

.PHONY: dist
dist :
	mkdir -p $(DISTTARGET)
	@for h in `makedepend -Y -f- -- $(CXXFLAGS) -- $(SRCS) | grep -e ":" | sed -e "s/.*: //" | tr " " "\n" | sort | uniq` ; \
	do \
		cp -p $$h $(DISTTARGET); \
	cp -p $(SRCS) $(DISTTARGET)
	cp -p Makefile $(DISTTARGET)
	tar -zcvf $(DISTTARGET).tar.gz $(DISTTARGET)
	rm -rf $(DISTTARGET)

.PHONY: clean
clean :
	$(RM) $(TARGET)
	$(RM) $(OBJS)
	$(RM) *~

ifneq "$(MAKECMDGOALS)" "clean"
  -include $(DEPENDENCIES)

# $(call make-depend,source-file,object-file,depend-file)
define make-depend
  @$(GCC) -MM            \
          -MF $3         \
          -MP            \
          -MT $2         \
          $(CFLAGS)      \
          $(GCCFLAGS)    \
          $(TARGET_ARCH) \

modules required for compilation:

module load nvidia/22.7 cuda/11.4 ompi-cuda/4.1.4-11.4

execution command is:

mpiexec -n 1 ./run 

Originally, this program was designed for multi-GPU execution on A100 GPUs. However, this error occurs in both multi-GPU and single-GPU cases. Therefore, I modified the execution command.
I hope this information helps you reproduce the error.

Hi shujuancanpian,

Looks like you accidently pasted the contents of twice instead of lbm_d2q9.h, so I can’t build. Also, while I’m not sure it matters, the dependent makefile “” is missing as well.

If you change the data size from 800x800 to 80000x80000, the illegal memory access error will happen.

This often means that you have an object greater than 2GB. Try compiling with “-mcmodel=medium” to see if it corrects the issue.

If not, please post “lbm_d2q9.h” and I’ll investigate.


Hi MatColgrave
I apologize for my mistake wasting your time.
the lbm_d2q9.h is:

#ifndef LBM_D2Q9_H
#define LBM_D2Q9_H

#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <algorithm>
#include <execution>
#include <thrust/iterator/counting_iterator.h>

namespace lbm_d2q9 {
constexpr unsigned int NQ = 9;

template <typename FLOAT>
void rho_velocity_to_lbm_vdf(bool use_gpu, int nx, int ny, int mgn, const FLOAT *r, const FLOAT *u, const FLOAT *v, FLOAT *f);
} // namespace lbm_d2q9

#endif /* LBM_D2Q9_H */

For the file, it contains the paths to the CUDA and MPI libraries on your computer; you might need to modify it yourself.

CUDA_PATH         = /work/opt/local/x86_64/cores/cuda/11.4
MPI_PATH          = /work/opt/local/x86_64/apps/nvidia/22.7/ompi-cuda/4.1.4-11.4

I added the -mcmodel=medium command to the CXXFLAGS in the Makefile.

CXXFLAGS  = -mcmodel=medium -std=c++20 -stdpar=gpu $(CFLAGS) 

Other than that, I made no changes, but I still encountered the same error after compiling.

No worries, with the updated header file I was able to reproduce the error.

Looks to be an integer overflow, in particular in this section:

80000 x 80000 is 6400000000 which is larger than the maximum values which can be assigned to an “int”. You’ll need to change “int” to “long” in order to use these large number of elements, lower the domain size, or split the domain across multiple ranks.

Note that you’ll still want to compile with “-mcmodel=medium” if the size in bytes of the object is greater than 2GB.

It appears that the program will use approximately 300GB of memory which will be larger than the devices memory. CUDA Unified Memory (which C++ stdpar uses by default) does allow for oversubscription of device memory, but can be slow. Ideally you want to size the problem per rank to the amount of memory available on each GPU.


Hi MatColgrove,

Thank you very much for your help. This time, I tried to apply those methods to the actual project. However, I still encountered some problems. The issue is that when I changed nx to 17810 and ny to 17810, which represent the actual calculation domain per GPU, the result of nx*ny is 317,196,100. This is smaller than the size limitation, but I still get an error when executing the program.
The error message is:

terminate called after throwing an instance of 'thrust::system::system_error'
  what():  parallel_for failed: cudaErrorInvalidConfiguration: invalid configuration argument

Only when I change all int values to the long type, or reduce the data size from 17810x17810 to 12594x12594 (changing from 4 GPUs to 8 GPUs), does this error disappear.

Hi shujuancanpian,

I’m not able to reproduce the error so not sure what’s wrong. Are there any changes you made in your example above besides the sizes?

My best guess is that the while the domain of nx*ny doesn’t overflow, if the object uses 8-bytes, then the address space will be greater than 2GB. Since the compiler uses the same data type as the loop index variable when computing the domain size, it’s possible this computation is overflowing causing the CUDA kernels launch configuration to use a negative value.

Is there an issue with using longs?


Hi MatColgrave,

I didn’t change any parts of the code except for the data size. And if I change the data type from int to long, there will be no errors. I also compiled the code with -mcmodel=medium. However, the error still exists if I don’t reduce the data size or use the long data type.

I’m not sure then given when I tried your original program with the 17810 size, it worked for me.

Though, again, is there a reason why you can’t use longs? Typically when using large index spaces and array sizes, you want to use longs.

Hi MatColgrove
Thank you very much for your previous answer, it helped me a lot.

I have a somewhat unrelated question: For stdpar, when there’s a need for different ,threads within for_each_n to accumulate on the same variable and unable to use transform_reduce, is there something similar to CUDA’s atomicAdd function? If not, is there a method for hybrid programming with stdpar and CUDA?

std::atomic works in device code.