Multi-dimension array allocation problem

Hi all,

I’m trying to allocate memories on different GPUs. The CUDA C code could be:

double *d_a[num_gpus];
#pragma omp parallel
unsigned int thread_id = omp_get_thread_num();
cudaMalloc((void **)&d_a[thread_id], 1024*8);

But in Fortran, it seems that the similar method is not allowed. So how should I code in Fortran?

Hi qijiin21c,

You’ll want to make the CUDA Fortran device allocatable arrays OpenMP threadprivate.

For example, I modified our same sgemm code to include OpenMP.

% cat sgemm.cuf
!     Copyright (c) 2017, NVIDIA CORPORATION.  All rights reserved.
! NVIDIA CORPORATION and its licensors retain all intellectual property
! and proprietary rights in and to this software, related documentation
! and any modifications thereto.  Any use, reproduction, disclosure or
! distribution of this software and related documentation without an express
! license agreement from NVIDIA CORPORATION is strictly prohibited.

! An example of single precision matrix multiply
! Build for running without optimizations:
!   pgfortran sgemm.cuf
! Build for running with optimizations:
!   pgfortran -O2 sgemm.cuf

MODULE saxpy_sgemm

  attributes(device) subroutine saxpy16(a, b, c)
    real, device :: a
    real, dimension(16) :: b
    real, device, dimension(16) :: c
    c = c + a * b
  end subroutine

  attributes(global) subroutine sgemmNN_16x16(a, b, c, m, n, k, alpha, beta)
    real, device :: a(m,*), b(k,*), c(m,*)
    integer, value :: m, n, k
    real, value :: alpha, beta

    real, shared, dimension(17,16) :: bs
    real, device, dimension(16) :: cloc

    inx = threadidx%x
    iny = threadidx%y
    ibx = (blockidx%x-1) * 256
    iby = (blockidx%y-1) * 16

    ia = ibx + (iny-1)*16 + inx
    ib = inx
    ic = ia

    jb = iby + iny
    jc = iby + 1

    cloc = 0.0

    do ik = 1, k, 16
      bs(iny,inx) = b(ib,jb)
      call syncthreads()

      do j = 1, 16
        call saxpy16(a(ia,ik+j-1), bs(1,j), cloc)
      end do

      ib = ib + 16
      call syncthreads()
    end do

    do ii = 1, 16
      c(ic,jc+ii-1) = alpha*cloc(ii) + beta*c(ic,jc+ii-1)
    end do
  end subroutine


subroutine sgemm_cpu(a, b, c, m, n, k, alpha, beta)
  real, dimension(m,k) :: a
  real, dimension(k,n) :: b
  real, dimension(m,n) :: c
  real alpha, beta
  do im = 1, m
    do in = 1, n
      temp = 0.0
      do ik = 1, k
        temp = temp + a(im,ik) * b(ik,in)
      end do
      c(im,in) = alpha*temp + beta*c(im,in)
    end do
  end do
end subroutine

program main
  use cudafor
  use saxpy_sgemm
  use omp_lib
  integer, parameter :: N = 256
  integer, parameter :: NREPS = 1000
  ! matrix data
  real, dimension(N,N) :: A, B, C, gold
  real, allocatable, device, dimension(:,:) :: dA, dB, dC
!$omp threadprivate(dA, dB, dC, C)
  real alpha, beta
  type(cudaDeviceProp) :: prop
  type(cudaEvent) :: start, stop
  type(dim3) :: blocks
  type(dim3) :: threads
  integer idevice, nGPUs

  idevice = 0
  call random_number(A)
  call random_number(B)
  alpha = 1
  beta = 0
  m = N
  k = N
  call sgemm_cpu(A, B, gold, m, N, k, alpha, beta)

  istat = cudaGetDeviceCount(nGPUs)
  print *, "Num devices: ", nGPUs
  call omp_set_num_threads(nGPUs)

!$omp parallel private(idevice,istat,blocks,threads,start,stop,time,nerrors)
  idevice = omp_get_thread_num()
  print *, "Using device: ", idevice
  istat = cudaSetDevice(idevice)
  istat = cudaGetDeviceProperties(prop,idevice)
  ilen = verify(prop%name, ' ', .true.)
  write (*,900) prop%name(1:ilen), &
                real(prop%clockRate)/1000.0, &

  istat = cudaEventCreate(start)
  istat = cudaEventCreate(stop)


  dA = A
  dB = B
  dC = 0.0

  blocks = dim3(N/256, N/16, 1)
  threads = dim3(16, 16, 1)

  ! timing experiment
  time = 0.0
  istat = cudaEventRecord(start, 0)
  do j = 1, NREPS
    call sgemmNN_16x16<<<blocks, threads>>>(dA, dB, dC, m, N, k, alpha, beta)
  end do
  istat = cudaEventRecord(stop, 0)
  istat = cudaThreadSynchronize()
  istat = cudaEventElapsedTime(time, start, stop)
  time = time / (NREPS*1.0e3)

  C = dC

  nerrors = 0
  do j = 1, N
    do i = 1, N
      if (abs(gold(i,j) - C(i,j)) .gt. 1.0e-4) then
        nerrors = nerrors + 1
      end if
    end do
  end do

  if (nerrors .eq. 0) then
    print *,"Test PASSED"
    print *,"Test FAILED"
    print *,nerrors," errors were encountered"

  gflops = 2.0 * N * N * N/time/1e9
  write (*,901) m,k,k,N,time*1.0e3,gflops
900 format('\nDevice:',a,', ',f6.1,' MHz clock, ',f6.1,' MB memory.\n')
901 format(i0,'x',i0,' * ',i0,'x',i0,':\t',f8.3,' ms\t',f8.3,' GFlops/s')

!$omp end parallel

end program
% pgfortran sgemm.cuf -Mcuda=cc60 -mp -fast; a.out
 Num devices:             2
 Using device:             0
 Using device:             1

Device:Tesla P100-PCIE-16GB, 1328.5 MHz clock, ****** MB memory.

Device:Tesla P100-PCIE-16GB, 1328.5 MHz clock, ****** MB memory.

256x256 * 256x256:         0.060 ms      562.581 GFlops/s
256x256 * 256x256:         0.060 ms      558.238 GFlops/s

Hi Mat,

Thanks for your reply.

I tried your method, but different in your code, I have to declare the variables in a module, allocate the memories in one subroutine and use them in other subroutine in some iterations. And all the module and subroutines are in different files. As a result the addresses of variables in the iterations are changed to zero.

Actually, I also tried the pointers, and when the memories are copied from the host memories, I got this error:

0: copyin Memcpy (dev=0x0x1308bc0000, host=0x0x19af420, size=258080) FAILED: 11(invalid argument)
0: copyin Memcpy (dev=0x0x1308cc0000, host=0x0x2abba8839000, size=258080) FAILED: 11(invalid argument)
make: *** [run] Error 127

So what’s you suggestion?