No matching distribution found for omni.isaac

I tried to run a standalone example script, from the built in standalone scripts:
‘./ standalone_examples/api/omni.isaac.ros2_bridge/’

And the error I got was:
‘Traceback (most recent call last):
File “/home/dennis/.local/share/ov/pkg/isaac_sim-2023.1.1/standalone_examples/api/omni.isaac.ros2_bridge/”, line 13, in
from omni.isaac.kit import SimulationApp
ModuleNotFoundError: No module named ‘omni.isaac’
There was an error running python’

So I tried to pip install the package manually:
‘./ -m pip install omni.isaac’

But this time I got this error:
‘ERROR: Could not find a version that satisfies the requirement omni.isaac (from versions: none)
ERROR: No matching distribution found for omni.isaac’

I searched the forum but didn’t see a valid solution so far.
I also checked if the package is available on the Python Package Index (PyPI), and it isn’t.

Someone that had the same issue or knows the solution?

I’m using Issac Sim version 2023.1.1
In addition, I used sourcing the

Hi @dennisgol101 - Have you followed this documentation which explains how standalone python script works in Isaac Sim: Python Environment — Omniverse IsaacSim latest documentation

Hi, yes I looked at the documentation, but it didn’t help.
I’m using a ready standalone script that was created after I installed the Issac Sim, so I don’t see the
problem with the way I tried running the script (the script is written the right way according to the documentation).

Just to verify, the note: ’ Any Omniverse level imports must occur after the class is instantiated. Because APIs are provided by the extension/runtime plugin system, it must be loaded before they will be available to import.’

Means that I need to write these lines:

‘import os
from omni.isaac.kit import SimulationApp
simulation_app = SimulationApp({“headless”: True})’

Put the Omniverse relevent imports at this point only at the end use:


I found out the problem!
I did a pip install of omni, that installed the omni pkg in the default python inside bin repository, and that made the python to search the continuous omni.isaac, that was not available in the pc’s default python.
After uninstalling the omni pkg, everything started working.


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