I’m having a problem with PCIe in Jetson AGX Xavier. I’ve tried plugging in several PCIe cards into 8x PCIe slot on devkit and while some of them do appear in lspci, others fail to establish PCIe link. As an example of not working card I can give Samtec PCIEA-4G2-H-01: https://datasheet.octopart.com/PCIEA-4G2-H-01-Samtec-datasheet-97182846.pdf
It works fine with TX1 and TX2 (and ordinary PCs). I’m attaching dmesg and lspci -vvv output from both TX2 and Xavier. Obvious difference is that Xavier supports PCIe version 4, so maybe there is some incompatibility caused by that upgrade.
Is there something you can suggest to try? Are there any configuration options in devicetree or somewhere else? dmesg-tx2.txt (63.6 KB) lspci-tx2.txt (9.82 KB) dmesg-xavier.txt (66.8 KB) lspci-xavier.txt (6.63 KB)
I’m using L4T 31.0.2 for Xavier and 28.2.1 for TX2 (but really it worked with TX1 and TX2 on all L4T versions). Nothing else I can add I think, it’s just ordinary fresh install running on DevKits.
PCI-e Optane 905 ssd [4 lanes] doesn’t appear to work with Xavier, though worked with tx2.
At the early beginning led lamps are lighting, but after a dozen of seconds they got powered off as if the device unpowered.
Thank you for the update.
It appears, that I shall get to Host PC, to Jetpack folder, then update the targets and then flash Xavier with the updated content, then check if that will resolve the issue.
In my case I have dts files rather than dtsi mentioned in the post by vidyas:
/Downloads/sources/public_sources/hardware/nvidia/platform/t19x/galen/kernel-dts$ ls
Makefile tegra194-p2888-0001-e3366-1199.dts
common tegra194-p2888-0001-p2822-0000.dts
Otherwise dtsi files are in a subfolder common, though
trying to re-flash with the patched files
In my case, I just downloaded sources and they have had already the changes as per the post above, but when I flashed with them the situation hasn’t changed and the pcie 4lanes nvme[not M.2] just blinks for a second and gets off. May be other folks will be more fortunate than me.
However these changes turned out to be already applied in the source, as far as I am concerned to believe. I mean that if I will download the sources archive and unpack them they will have that values already in place, as it turned out to me.
The issue has been resolved with the latest Jetpack 4.1.1 release. Thanks.
It seems that the voltage was king of triggering low consumption mode in an enforced way that used to disable power supply to ssd that resulted in powering off of the latter. However after the latest patch ssd seems to work fine.